Chapter Six

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AN: I updated!! Yay!! Sorry it's short :( I have sooo many things I'm working on I keep forgetting my ideas for this one! Ugh

Anyways, hope you like it!


~Samantha's POV~ 

"Is this a dream?" Kiara asked when we got to our room. 

"I really think so," Chloe giggled. We gathered our bags, grabbed each others' hands, and ran back downstairs where the boys were waiting by a limo. We all climbed into the limo, some of us girls squealing in excitement. 

The sitting arrangement was (from the door all the way around) Max, Mitchie, Siva, Chloe, Jay, Kiara, Nathan, then Me. I looked around as everyone got comfortable with each other and start talking with each other. Something I noticed was the some of us were wearing the same thing! Max and Mitchie were wearing the same grey shirt and black jeans with converse. Chloe and Siva were wearing the same Black V-necks and dark jeans with converse. Jay and Kiara were wearing a Black V-neck with a pale blue button up open over it with black jeans and high top converse. I glanced over at Nathan then looked at myself and giggled slightly. We were wearing the same 'Coca-Cola' shirt with dark blue skinny jeans, leather jacket and sneakers (AN: Outfits are in the external link>>). I started giggling louder as I thought over the fact that we all subconsciously dressed like our favorite member. As I continued to giggle Mitchie looked over at me.

"What are you giggling at Sammy?" She asked breaking away from her conversation with Max. I giggled more, realizing she hadn't seemed to notice yet.

"Nothing.. Just something I noticed." I replied after I had calmed down, she looked at me funny before shaking her head and turning back to Max. I grinned and leaned back in my seat. I looked out the limo window and watched the night-time scenery as it passed. I felt something poke my side, I looked over to see Nathan poking me.

"Yes?" I asked with a small laugh. He grinned, and I swear if I hadn't been sitting my knees would have given out at the sight.

"We're here." He said nodding towards the door where Jay was helping Kiara out. Wow, that was a fast ride.. 

"Oh, right.." I blushed a little and followed him out of the car. The guys lead us upstairs to the flat where Sally would be moving in with Tom and where the party was being held. Max opened the door and lead us in. We looked around the flat with wide eyes.

"Wow.. This place is amazing, I can't believe Tom lives here.." Mitchie said in awe as she looked around the living room (AN: Picture on the side>>) 

"Actually, we all live here, it's easier for touring and stuff, but now that Tommy's married we're gonna get a new flat down the road" Siva said walking into the living room that was already filled with people.

Laughs filled the air as everyone stood around Tom and Sally's flat chatting and dancing to the music. Siva, Chloe, Max, and Mitchie were all dancing. Kiara and Jay were somewhere doing something together, I think. And I was sitting by myself in the kitchen, watching everyone in the living room through the door. I wasn't much of a party person, I'd rather sit and watch then get up and dance or socialize. I stood up and walked out of the empty kitchen and down a hallway, I figured since no one noticed I was gone I might as well go exploring. 

I walked down a hallway to an open door. I pushed it open all the way and felt along the wall till I found a switch and turned on the lights. I blinked against the sudden light. Once my eyes adjusted I looked around in awe. There were all kinds of music stuff every where. A piano, guitars, music sheets, a keyboard, drums, everything. I loved it. I walked over to the piano, running my fingers over the silky keys. I sat down and started playing random notes, loving the sound of the perfectly toned piano. I started playing the first song that came to my head, quietly singing the words to myself. 

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