Chapter One

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A/N: Hi this is Becca!!! This is my first work, so bear with me here. It's just an intro :)


The final whistle blew, finishing our volleyball scrimmage, and I left the court. Sweat ran down my face and small strands of hair fell loosely from my previously neat ponytail. I quickly grabbed my sports bag and yelled a quick goodbye to the rest of the team before heading out into the cloudy abyss that was called London. I quickly threw my bags in the boot of my car and sat down in the drivers' seat, checking my phone before heading on my way. I had six new messages.

From Sally: Make sure you're here at twelve o'clock on the dot or else... ;)

From Chloe: Hey, I can't wait to see you and the other girls! :-)

From Sally: I'm warning you O'Conner...

From Sammers: I definitely can't wait for Sally's... I miss you guys all so much!!

From Mitchie: Screw your volleyball practice! Its Sally's wedding in three days! Be there, or be square...

From Sally: GET HERE WOMAN!!!

I laughed at Mitchie's comment and Sally's persistence before starting the car and heading to Sally's. According to the clock, I was and hour and ten minutes late.

Sally lived in a quaint little flat in the east end of London, just several miles from Big Ben and the London eye. She was bound to be married in three days and I was to be a part of the bridal party.

Sally and I initially met in a department store. I complemented her outfit and we hit it off, simple as that. Through Sally, I met my three other best friends, Chloe Clearwater, Samantha Gomez, and Michelle, or Mitchie, Rodriguez. Together, the five of us were unstoppable, and we loved it that way.

When I reached Sally's flat, I hurried to the door and rang the bell ten times. Not five seconds later, a petite brunette with beautiful sun-kissed skin and the slightest limp answered.

"Mitchie!" I squealed, leaning down ever so slightly to accommodate her 5' 3" frame.

"About bloody time you got here! Its after one, and Sally is going mad!" She told me. Just then, Sally herself ran around the corner.

"You!" She exclaimed, pointing a finger at me. "I warned you to make it on time, but no! Volleyball is obviously so much more important!"

I just smirked at her, waiting for her rant to finish. She narrowed her eyes at me and shook her head.

"Glad to see you too Sally. So glad I could make it."

"Oh, shut it. Anyway, come along and wash up. The other girl are waiting." With that Sally grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back before heading to the bathroom to rinse off my face and redo my ponytail, before heading into the sitting area, anxious to see my best friends again.

I left the bathroom and headed toward the sitting area, where I was immediately bombarded with hugs from Sam and Chloe. Sally had gone to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of champagne. 

“It’s been forever since we’ve seen you Kiara!” Sam exclaimed.

“I know, volleyball has been so busy, with championships and such. But it’s all about you guys this week!”

“About damn time too! I should be the most important person in your life, period!” Sally exclaimed, reentering the room with a bottle and five glasses. “Now, I am going to be married in three days. I want to have some fun before I tie myself down to a single hunk of a man for the rest of my life.”

“Speaking of your hunk,” Chloe began, “When do we get to meet this guy?”

“Seriously. You’ve been together three years and we still haven’t met him?” Sam added. 

“I know,” Sally giggled, taking a sip of champagne. “But that’s what’s exciting about it. It will make it all the more wonderful when you find out!”

I’m pretty sure none of us actually knew what Sally meant by that last statement, but we dropped it anyway. As more champagne was consumed, our antics got more and more wild. As we ran around her flat dressed in our wedding clothes, obnoxiously acting out her wedding, I could only think one thing: I cannot wait for this wedding.

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