Chapter Three

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Kiara POV

I spent the evening at home with my fellow bridesmaids, sipping wine and pondering over the newly revealed "Tom". 

"What if hes, like, some creeper that Sally doesn't want us to meet because he might go all ax murderer on us?" Mitchie wondered out loud. I snorted. 

"You honestly think that Sally would marry an ax murderer?" I asked with a smirk. Mitchie giggled, lightly hitting her palm against her forehead.  

"Yeah, no," Chloe replied, standing up and stretching before getting a glass of water. "Jeez Mitch, where'd that come from?" Mitchie just rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at us. 

"So, where is the bride?" Sam asked, yawning. 

"I have no idea," I replied. "But she needs her pre-wedding beauty sleep. Otherwise, she'll look like crap in the morning."  

"It technically is morning." Chloe pointed to the clock that read one a.m.

Sally POV 

"I'll see you at the alter," Tom whispered as we stared into each others eyes. He kissed me softly on the lips before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed me once more, this time goodbye. I smiled at him before turning to unlock my door. I happily sighed as I dropped my keys on the hallway table. My happy daze was quickly dissolved at the sound of whispering and giggling.  

They didn't I thought, stepping into the sitting room, where, sure enough four girls,s were laying.  

"What the hell?" I asked, rather rudely in fact.  

"Where have you been woman?" Sam asked. 

"I was out," I replied. 

"Well, obviously." 

"Goodnight," I said in a singsong voice, leaving the four girls on the floor to sleep.

Kiara's POV 

A soft ray of sun shone through the window, waking me from my peaceful slumber. I groaned softly as I opened my eyes. The serenity didnt't last long, for at that moment, Sally burst through the door in a frenzy. 

Her hair was an absolute mess, her eyes had slight bags under them, and she was dressed in only her undergarments. She had a slightly crazed facial expression as she glanced around, taking in the sight before her. 

"What are you guys doing?! I need your help!" She screamed, jerking everyone from their own slumbers. Mitchie sprung up in a panic. 

"Who's dying?" She asked, looking around.  

"You all will be if you don't get up and help me! I'm getting married today!" Sally exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air and storming out of the room.


From that point on, everything was a blur. At nine thirty am, we were all shoved from Sally's flat and into the limo that had arrived to pick us up. Sally was a nervous wreck. She spent the morning on the phone with the caterers, the makeup and hair people, the bakery responsible for the cake, and the event planner herself. It wasn't until we forcefully removed the battery from her phone that she actually took a breath and began to calm down. 

After the hour-long car ride, we arrived at a posh manor about forty miles northwest of London. The limo hadn't even stopped when the door was opened and we were ushered into a large bedroom on the second floor. 

"This place is amazing!" Mitchie exclaimed. Chloe's face was plastered with a look of awe as she slowly wandered out to the balcony. 

"Is this guy loaded or something?" Sam asked. 

"He's got a decent income," Sally replied, looking up from her phone. "The stylists are here, so put your game face on!"

Chloe POV

The girls and myself took turns being pampered. The actual ceremony was set to start at one pm. The four bridesmaids had already been tended to, so we were sitting around, waiting for Sally to finish. Our dresses were hanging in a row, perfectly pressed and ready to be worn. Pink was, of course, the main color in addition to black and white (all Sally's doing), therefore, our dresses were a beautiful soft pink with black around the waist. Sam, the maid of honor, was the exception. Her pink dress ruffled down the front and into the skirt. We all had our hair pulled half back, secured by a pretty crystal-studded barrette. A simple cat-eye graced our eyelids and peach lip gloss coated our lips. On our nails, we had simple French tips.  

"Sally!" Mitchie moaned. "You're taking FOREVER!" 

"Oh stuff it!" Sally snapped, her voice echoing around the corner and out of the bathroom. We all giggled. Kiara leaned over, fiddling with the strap of the black stilettos we were to wear.  

"You know I hate shoes like these Sally!" She hollered, referring the the strap that wrapped uncomfortably around the back of the heal. They were cute otherwise, however, with a glossy finish and a bow on the tops. They were peep toed, so our pedicures were revealed. 

"Their appearance matters more than your comfort!" Sally hollered back. 

"Wow, I really feel the love." Sally giggled at her comment. 

"Mine are so much better," Sam stated, sticking out her tongue, referring to her own strappy black stilettos with a much more secure strap. 

"Oh, go away," I giggled, dissatisfied with the shoes myself. The sound of a voice clearing captured our attention. 

We turned to see a glowing Sally, her eyes lightly lined with black liquid liner, a soft pink shadow dusted on her lids. Her lips were a glossy grapefruit red, making just enough of a statement on her sweet face. Her hair was pulled back in a lose but very pretty braid. Her nails were painted in a marbled white pattern. 

"Oh my Lord," Mitchie said. 

"Sally, you look absolutely stunning." Kiara's mouth gaped, her eyes wide. A soft, rosy blush crept onto her cheeks. 

"Help me get dressed guys," she ordered, the elated smile never leaving her face. 

We carefully pulled the white satin gown over her head. It was strapless, but showed just the right amount of skin. Her beautiful white heels were studded with crystals A necklace with a single pale blue crystal on it fell across her collarbones. A garter with a pale blue bow on it was slid up her leg. She was ready.  

The five of us squealed excitedly, Sally taking a deep breath as the wedding planner came to retrieve us. We were each handed a bouquet as the woman babbled away about how the groom and groomsmen were in place and the guests were seated. A frantic look crossed Sally's face as the reality of the situation caught up with her.  

"I'm getting marries she said, turning to us. 

"Yes you are," I smiled at her, giving her hand a gentle, yet reassuring squeeze.  

"I'm scared," She said softly, and for the first time, the twenty two year old looked like a young girl, unsure of herself. 

"You can do this Sally," Sam told her, looking in her eyes. "Come on, let's get you married." Sally took a deep sigh and turned to the door that led out to the garden terrace that the ceremony would be in. She nodded, giving a confirmation to the wedding planner that she was ready. The planner nodded to the band, who began to play the wedding march. We all sighed deeply as the doors began to open and the sunlight poured in.


Hey guys! Finally made it online! Its been a stressful week, but now I'm on a mini vacation in DISNEYLAND! Woo! So I got the chance to update! Hope it's not too sucky...  

Here are the outfits: 

And here's the makeup: 

Thanks to my LOVELY co-author for those lovely layouts! And if I got the links confused, I'm sorry, but its midnight :-)  

Anyway, off to Jordan! Woo! 

xx Becca

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