his tongue, slowly increasing the intensity, that makes me weak in the knees. my whole world escaping into velvet radiance of his fluid saliva. i surely fell in love with u..
"CUT!" director's voice burnt my ears. Yusuke watching me softly, wiping mouth with sleeve, his eyes smiling lifting up his tiny mole. am I still alive? I just need to strip down all off my clothing and take a bath.
"Lin Zi Hong!"
"you look exhausted, I know we're acting, but u don't need to be..."
"enough, I'm leaving!" i wanna shout into the emptiness. it's probably a couple of drinks makes me that way, but... for him i'm still his partner, dunno Gao Shi De, who already caused a lot of trouble. huh, jerk.. may i entirely ended that painful nightmare? anyway..
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today we finally ended drunk scene, with boundless sorrow and regrets. to the end his eyes was bloody semi red.. keep control.. i wanna lick your tears, bite your tongue, swallow your neck with my burning lips. when it started?
"I like your smile!"
"are u kidding me?"
"am I? I'm truly in love with that. it's remind me about my lyrics, when music take part of my mind, bleaching my shadow. at that moment I'd like to smile.. but music hurts me so bad.."
"it sounds weird!"
"right, it's a common delusion. I need muse to feel blooms inside of me. I wanna fly into boundless vortex of eternity."
"it's just my smile makes you feel that way?"
"hm.. never mind.." probably, that day i decided to be everywhere,