chapter 3 - date 2

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I woke up with sunlight lightly shining through my curtains. It's a comfortable way to wake up, like that, with my hair looking like a bird's nest and my makeup smudged under my eyes. When I woke up, I didn't have a care in the world. Everything was calm.

Then Emma tackled me on my bed. Humph! She landed right on top of my legs. "Surprise, surprise, miss bachelorette!" she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay Emma, I need some relief here. First, get the hell off of my legs, and second, let's never talk about last night again - like ever." She nodded, but I wasn't convinced. 

"You're sure you won't ever bring that up again?" I asked, more serious this time. 

She squeezed my hand and said to me in her whimsical narrator voice, "Margaret, my best friend of so many years, you have my word." We burst into laughter. I still couldn't grasp that I'd had an amazing date with someone who turned out to be a foot guy. What are the odds?

I decided to spend my Sunday walking around the city. Emma went back into her room and I slipped on my favorite Vans, grabbed my phone and keys, and was out the door - still in my pajamas. I figured I may as well get used to the lay of the land before school starts in a few weeks. I had to move in early for the lease, but it's kind of nice getting used to it without the pressure of school. 

A block down and across the street sat The Beans. I crossed and walked down to start my day with a nice cup of something warm. As I was in the doorway, a tall, teal-blue haired man shoved his way past me without any apology. I brushed it off. He must be on his way somewhere. I ordered a small mint tea. I let it stoop for exactly three minutes before mixing in two packets of sugar. It's exactly the way I like it, like my Gramma made. I went back out on my windy-summer-day-city-tour with a priority destination of Love Park.

Following the directions on my phone, and getting lost in the busy cityscape around me, time drifted away. I felt like a part of the city. Finally, I arrived, seeing the towering Comcast building to my right, and the deconstructed sheds from craft vendors in the park to my left. Tourists lined up tens of couples back to take a picture in front of the famous Love statue. 

I got in line to get a photo of my own, people-watching to pass the time. I see couples all around me, old and young. There are families of men, women, parents, children, dogs, and oddly a few cats. I'm getting sidetracked now. Cats outside are not a big deal. I think I was mainly focused on how much I was longing for companionship. Before I knew it, I was at the front of the line, taking pictures of the family in front of me on one parent's cell phone. 

I walked up to the statue and, on my tiptoes, took a selfie. I felt a presence behind me and went on alert mode. The tall, blue haired man from the coffee shop came up to me and asked if I'd like him to take my photo. Honestly, I hadn't had a great first impression of him and this encounter was a little bit creepy. I gave him an assertive "no" and the young woman next in line told him off before offering to take my photo. I thanked her and she said to me, "Beware the creeps, especially a beautiful girl like you. I like your bracelet, too!" She saw my bracelet. My rainbow thread friendship bracelet. It's like a secret code, I guess.  

"Thanks, could I take your photo?" I asked.

"Yes, please, and get in for a selfie, girl!"

I took her phone and worked the angles giving her a ton of pics to choose from. She motioned for me to join her for a selfie, and pulled me in, arms around my shoulders in a side hug. Yeah, this is cringy, but it kinda felt right. 

"I hope your pictures turned out okay," I said. I thought for a second, why not ask? "So, Girl in Red? Sweater Weather?"

She laughed and replied, a smile on her face, "Girl in Red. And my name is Sophie. Yours?"

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