chapter 2 - date 1

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hey besties lmao it's been literal years since i started this story and i'm lowkey embarrassed by it but ofc we're gonna keep going bc its totally fine! everything is totally fine!  like babe it's already been over a year of covid in america and here i am writing this damn wattpad story like its even gonna get any views :')


Welcome back, readers...

We left off with Emma and Margaret in their new apartment, texting Margaret's contender for a boyfriend.

"Emma, I can't believe you sent that and Niall said yes! I'm not sure if I should be excited or creeped out?"

Emma laughs and says, "Oh my gosh Margaret, sweetie, stop. You know this is what you've always wanted. You know, a little 'man candy' if you will..." I can't believe Emma is going so boy crazy over my Uber driver. I'm starting to wonder what the heck Emma will be like if she joins a sorority this Fall. I shake my head, hoping that the funny but also horrifying vision leaves my brain for now.

"Where do I even go with him? It's not like I'm familiar with the area." I say, sighing. Well, I figure, I could always ask him. He is an Uber driver after all, and must know the answer. "Emma, actually, I think I'll ask him." I grab my phone off the bed and open my messages with Niall.


MARGARET: Hey, let's plan something for tonight! Any Ideas on where to get a casual snack?


Emma and I wait impatiently, Emma doing most of the girlish giggling.


NIALL: Down the street from your apartment building is a cool coffee shop called "The Beans." It'd be a nice place to meet up. I'll meet you at your apartment at 7pm and we can walk down together.

MARGARET: Sounds awesome! I'm apartment 1D. See you at 7! <3

NIALL: <333333


Emma is almost having a seizure by now, playfully slapping my shoulder with excitement. She's absolutely crazy, but I'm so lucky to have her.

I go over to my dresser, where I started unpacking my bags. I pull out my makeup bag, my checkered Vans, a loose red skirt and a black tank top. I swipe on a basic smokey eyeshadow look topped off with brows, lips and mascara while Emma straightens my messy train-ride hair. My look is complete and I feel like myself. Emma and I decide to chill out for a while since we still have an hour until the date. 

Emma turns me around to face her and says, "truth or dare" to which I respond "dare." I'm never going to forget what she dared me to do, like ever, even when I'm deceased. And seriously, I was literally deceased after hearing what she was about to say. Emma really had the audacity to dare me to send Niall a silly bikini pic. Now you may be thinking "Oh cool, she's going to show Niall how hot she is!" But no, this is an extra special photo of me at the beach with a mop-rope-for-fur dog sitting on me when I was 14. A.k.a.,  my least attractive "hot" photo ever. Anyways, I sent the photo and pretty much had an internal anxiety attack thinking of how I could possibly explain it to him when we met. I turned my phone off and asked Emma, "Truth or dare" and she chose truth like a wuss. 

"Have you ever thrown up on someone in a romantic situation since the iconic makeout session with Bradley?" She choked and my eyes started tearing up. I was less than a second away from bursting into laughter. Emma said sarcastically "Haha, you just want to get back at me because I made you do something with your crush!" I felt blood rushing to my cheeks giving me an undeniably flushed face. "But yeah, there is just one that I never told anyone at all. It was eleventh grade year and it was after a school dance. I figured since there was only one more year of highschool after that, I should try to have a little fun. So I went over to a boy at this one party and started small talk, then quickly moved to making out. His tongue tasted distinctly like straight (no gay!) vodka so I tore myself off of him and vomited down his rental tux. I ran and stayed upstairs and never saw him again, thankfully." 

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