chapter 4

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I unlock my door to a dark, empty apartment. No Emma to be found. Maybe it's better that way. We can catch up in the morning. I take my shoes off, have a glass of cashew milk (no, I'm not an animal for drinking milk by itself), and leave the cold glass in the sink before I lay on top of the covers in all of my clothes. Passed out, exhausted, I rest until my alarm should wake me tomorrow morning.

The song "Sweet Talk" that I use as my alarm wakes me with a jolt. Emma must have tucked me in last night because she and I are laying together under the covers in my bed. I still have all of my clothes on from yesterday. 

I decide to let her sleep. At sleepovers when we were younger, she'd slap me with her pillow if I tried to wake her too early. I get up, feeling the cold floor under me, and slide on my fuzzy Crocs to make a cup of tea. What should I do today? I have only two weeks until my classes pick up. 

The Beans is calling to me. I figure I may as well spend some time people-watching. I rinse my cup, grab my keys and wallet and close the door quietly. On my way to The Beans, I pass a lady walking a pink poodle. Very interesting. I walk in, greeted by a simple hello from behind the bar; it sounds like a guy around my age. 

I take a seat on a bar stool at the counter. The barista who greeted me comes over, I think he was the one from my weird date with Niall, and re-introduces himself as Harry. I introduce myself as Margaret, and ask Harry if he goes to school nearby. He goes to Temple as well... interesting. He's in his last year of business and commercial marketing. No wonder I drool listening to him speak, it'll be his job soon! I'm getting ahead of myself here. So are the butterflies in my stomach. 

I snap back to real life and Harry is looking into my eyes through my soul. 

"What," I ask? 

He laughs and says, "I just asked where you go to school." 

I tell him I'll be at Temple as well, for architecture, and that I have my own place for the year. Why am I oversharing? I don't even know this guy! Harry seems nice though. Somewhere behind his green eyes I see a heart full of genuine love. 

There is an awkward silence before he asks me for my order. I tell him to surprise me. I watch Harry's hands, large hands, mixing my drink and brushing his long, curly hair behind his ears. I don't think he noticed me watching him. He turned around with an iced caramel mocha coffee in his hands, complete with a caramel drizzle heart on top of whipped cream. I thanked him and added a tip, then sat at an outdoor table to enjoy my special drink and observe the passerby.

I decide to text my Gramma. I may as well let her know I've been on two dates already. 

Me: Hey Grams! Cool news- I went on two dates. Crazy, right?

Gramma: Hi Margaret! I'm happy to hear that, dear. I know there is someone great out there for you. Keep it up. Love, Gramma. 

It's so sweet. She always signs off her messages with "Love, Gramma." I smile knowing I've made her happy. I hear a slurping noise and notice I'm all done my surprise drink from Harry. I don't know how, but he knew exactly what to make me. On a bold streak, I go inside to put my mug in the bin above the trash, and sit back at a seat on the bar. 

Harry doesn't notice at first. He is concentrated, his hair is tucked behind his ears, and he's fully invested in whatever pattern of latte foam art he's up to. I watch him hard at work, admiring him in his element, only for him to look up and meet my gaze. I quickly look away and mess around on my phone, like I wasn't just staring at him. The next thing I see is Harry in the seat next to me.

Author's note: Sorry this chapter was so short. I started this chapter on September 3, 2021. Ten days before I was assaulted at college and my life fell apart for a little bit. I spent some time in the hospital and left home on Christmas. I'm staying with a friend for now. Life is crazy, but for my own benefit-of-wellbeing and hopefully your entertainment, I thought it was time to start writing again. Love yourself, please. It's hard, but find something that makes you feel good and hold on to it. You are important. 

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