chapter 5 - date 3

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The next thing I see is Harry in the seat next to me.

"I noticed you watching me work," he said to me.

My cheeks flush. I can't believe the confidence in this man.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, you're just good at your job. It's calming to watch you do what you do with such ease."

"Oh really? And what is it that I do?" 

I think he's flirting. OMG. Oh boy, I think he might just be date number three. And to be honest, I wouldn't mind that at all. I decide to play into his flirty vibe. 

"Well you take these hands," I say as I put my hands over his, "and you pour warm, sweet coffee into an empty mug just asking to be filled. Then you add the cream, and your job is complete. One happy customer." Lord, please forgive me. The horny is taking over. Maybe I started using the internet at too young of an age...


Harry stares into my eyes and I can tell what types of images are flashing through his mind. I know because they're running through my head too. 

"Are you a happy customer, Margaret?"

He remembered my name from my last date here with Niall. Oh God, Niall. Yuck! I push Niall out of my thoughts and realize what Harry is insinuating. I think to myself, "Do I want this cream?" and the answer is a sure yes.

"Harry, I couldn't be anything less thanks to you." 

Damn. I'm embarrassing myself. I lower and shake my head in embarrassment, but before I can apologize, Harry tucks my hair behind my ears and lifts my head up with a strong finger under my chin. We lock eyes. He hungrily slides his tongue across his bottom lip. My eyes curiously stare into his as I catch him stealing a glance at my lips. There is an unmistakable connection between us. 

"Harry," I sigh, "I really hope I'm reading this right."

"Margaret, what do you think I've been thinking about the past few minutes?"

I pause and break eye contact, wondering how I should answer his question. I decide to keep things friendly until I know how we both feel.

"Hmm, maybe about how amazing and smart I am?"

He laughs. "Yes, those things too, but I was thinking about how confident, approachable, and cute you are." 

Again, my cheeks flush. I feel the butterflies rising in my stomach. I stay quiet, just appreciating what Harry said about me.

"Oh, Margaret, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

I laugh. "You made me anything but uncomfortable. Maybe we could take this somewhere more private?"

It's Harry's turn to get flustered. 

"I'd love that," he answers.

He finishes his shift fifteen minutes later, and we walk out together into the still-humid early-Fall air. With his hand around my waist, we walk side by side in comfortable silence to my apartment. I unlock the door and thankfully Emma isn't there. I take Harry's hand in mine and lead him into my bedroom. I lay down on the bed and kick my shoes off. He does the same and props himself up on his forearms to lay over me. I like where this is going.

His lips meet mine with an irresistible force and I find myself letting his tongue in. He deepens the kiss and goes slow and sensually. 

He whispers, "Margaret, can we lose a few layers?" 

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