=Mafia Headbutts With The Law?=

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(Next Day in Court)

Chris started the session, "Your honour, as we all have already learnt, our stand is against the defendant of the heinous crimes, Mr Min here has committed.

"Let us start off with the day Ms Perrie Shepherd was kidnapped by him and taken to an abandoned villa, an isolated and secluded place on the map where she was tortured and physically and mentally abused. She was held hostage by the defendant to lure in Kim Taehyung, a good friend of Perrie because he had to act childish and get revenge just because of something he got jealous of over a while back." Chris sneered as he spared a glance at Yoongi but immediately looked away, acting professionally, "Over to you," he had opened and now allowed Yoongi's lawyer to speak.

"Thank you, what do you have against my client when you say he kidnapped Ms Perrie? Apart from the police complaint, you don't have evidence." Lee Joon Gi confidently questioned. He walked closer to Chris and whispered, "Legally."

Judge Suru intervened, "Please speak loud and clear while in the courtroom."

"Pardon me, your honour." Joon Gi apologised and sat back down, looking amused, Chris couldn't say anything now.

"Your honour, it is such that I cannot provide proof because the defendant, who had messaged Mr Kim that Ms Perrie had been kidnapped, had done so from an unknown number and the sim card was later destroyed. Nevertheless, we do have those chats from Mr Kim's phone."

Chris went ahead and submitted the printouts of the chats to the judge.

Judge, Suru took a moment to inspect the conversation. Once she was done, "Acknowledged," she nodded and took a look at Yoongi. 

Yoongi was seated with his head hung low. His body language itself gave away that he was guilty of the act. However, she asked the two to resume.

"A summon will be sent to the victim. She will testify with only myself present. Guardian here is Y/n L/n. Is that alright?" Justice Suru asked, looking around for you, Perrie's guardian, after her mother.

You raised your hand from your seat and said, "Yes, your honour."

"Okay, continue." She said, after noting down pointers in her diary.

Lee Joon Gi got up and attacked, "Well then... Even if this is pure speculation, I would ask Mr Hemsworth to kindly elaborate the statement when he said, my client wanted to seek revenge."

Chris discreetly hinted, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin Jin and you all mentally facepalmed yourselves. Taehyung made an A with his hands near his pocket so that the judge wouldn't notice.

Chris understood while Taehyung explained it to the others and you.

Chris said, "Your honour, the people I am going to mention now are fictional if we consider them legally." Chris had a victorious smile on his face.

Joon Gi was catching up and he wore a disappointed and angered expression as Chris carried on.

Yoongi at this point, couldn't care less. He was just listening to the sounds of the vessels that his ashes would be thrown into once he was sentenced for murder... Something he said 

"Mr Min and Kim were associated with two clans, The Ace and The Descendants. These are two rival groups in business. The leaders, Klaus and Mr Salvatore own properties and faculties like schools, universities and hospitals. Good people, I assure you." 

"Good people, my ass," you mumbled. Your brain wasn't of any help when old memories started to appear in front of your frame and gave you that isolated, dark and cold feeling of staying around the mafia.

Chris smiled, "While these two groups maintained their enmity, there was a small change in their member composition. Mr Min here had left his former master and come under the veil of the group Taehyung was in. Apparently, Taehyung was the pet here- The- uh..." Chris had some difficulty finding the suitable word that he could use for Taehyung's position in court. 

"He was THE most skilled person Mr Salvatore had and Mr Min could not digest that. He had become so envious that it had turned into a dangerous amount of jealousy built up in him, leading him to do what he did." 

Yoongi gulped as his throat became really dry. These allegations in a way were absolutely true. He was wrong.

He pointed at Yoongi and continued, "Since he knew very well that Taehyung indeed is more of skilled personnel than he is and he would never be able to become the right hand of Mr Salvatore, he wanted to eradicate the very existence of his opponent. And so that was possible only when he could get Taehyung to come unarmed to a place with no one else except another detective he wanted to sweep clean too," Chris clapped his hands in the release of adrenaline.

"Wasn't that the idea, Mr Min?" Chris shouted as he lept up to the table which Yoongi was sitting apart from, and looked daggers at him, getting him to agree.

"Your honour, I object! Coercion mustn't be used in any case, which Mr Hemsworth clearly is not abiding by!" Joon Gi exclaimed.

"Sustained, Mr Hemsworth, maintain conduct." Justice Suru said.

Chris nodded and said, "That's all for this story, your honour. I, evidently, have proved more than enough."

Judge Suru took into account and stated, "Tomorrow, after the victim of the first charge is questioned and finished with, the hearing shall proceed. The court is adjourned for the day."

Everyone started to make their way out once the judge had left. You just happened to watch-

Chris was talking to Joon Gi.

"You? Winning over me? Wake up, mate. It's a sweet dream but still, is a dream."


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(This isn't exactly how a court works but let's read, huh :0 pleej- dun come at me y'all-)

And this was a bridge chapter so KELM DAWN Y'ALL! 

I'm tired :( of doing nothing :( kdrama time :)

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