=Quick Is The Trick=

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A/n: Action...I'm sure this will flop!

The next part will be good though.

I'm sorry! :(



(Back at Laney Villa)

(7:30 pm)

"So Kyril, I heard you stole something that's ours..." Taehyung hissed as his voice got deeper and deeper, scaring the old man tied up on the sofa even more. Trickles of beaded sweat on his forehead since an hour of intense mental torture now fell upon his wrinkled, chubby, porous cheeks.

"I- I- don't know what you're talking about Taehyung-" he stuttered looking from left to right repeatedly. "Hyung! I think this will be more helpful," Jungkook turned the safety off his gun and equalised it to Kyril's head.

 "Hyung! I think this will be more helpful," Jungkook turned the safety off his gun and equalised it to Kyril's head

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"That ought to do the trick, eh Kyril? I mean, it's only fair we execute a traitor." Taehyung smirked eyeing Jungkook. "I- You would never kill- anyone- You- you don't do- th- that-" he faltered. Taehyung amusingly raised his eyebrows and let out in a climactic tone, clearly playing with him, "Oh! You're right.... but wrong.... You see, the thing is," he licked his lips, sat down on the arm of the sofa pulling his pants slightly up from his knees and continued, "I don't kill.... HE does!" He said looking at Jungkook and tilting his head, "Do it JK! Shoot!"

Jungkook showed a bright expression as he got to shoot someone once again after a long time, which was 2 days by the way, "Aight mate! You've got 5..4..3..2 aaand 1-" "STOP!" Kyril's eyes were almost going to pop out of his sockets. "Set me free- I- I'll give it to you.." "What if you run away or try something?" Jungkook looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Then we kill!" Taehyung announced with an unforeseen spark in his dark eyes.

Jungkook untied him and Kyril gradually got up, just to stumble and fall on his joints due to lack of energy. "Get up you old hag! Tick-tock---" Jungkook mocked. He tried his best to stay up on his feet but fell down yet again which left him no other option but to crawl. He crept up till his souvenir curio and got a tiny, lamina like object out of an imperceptible crack beside a drawer- The Chip... the chip Taehyung and Jungkook had come for.

"Here-" his chin shuddered in fear and his jaw wasn't at rest, not even for a second. He was broken, exhausted and frightened.

He began to raise his hand to hand out the chip to Taehyung when he swiftly whirled it into his coat pocket sweeping Taehyung off his pads by brushingly scraping him under his knee which resulted in him slumping onto the ground.

Jungkook was startled. He screamed, "Hyung!" and ran only to hit Kyril on his skull by the end of his gun. He was knocked unconscious. He quickly took out the chip and kept it in his own pocket and helped Taehyung get up. "Freaking little shi-" He started when Jungkook interrupted and said quickly, "Hyung, we don't have time, his men must be coming up hearing the thumps. Let's go!"

Without further ado, they both were just about to leave when Kyril's men came in barging. A net of firing was thrown upon both of them.

"Duck!" Taehyung shrieked. They both were behind the sofas at the two ends of the room. Jungkook kept shooting until all the men were out. He didn't spot any more of them now so sat back to take a breath. "Jungkook! Watch out!" A bullet grazed his shoulder. He wailed in pain and closed his eyes tightly for a couple of seconds before turning back to the back of the couch and killing that man with 8 bullets.


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Taehyung looked around, a room full of pools of blood and bodies, "Tsk!" he said and ran to Jungkook. "Jungkook! Show!" Jungkook kept his grip tight on his shoulder where he was shot. Taehyung removed his leather jacket, ripped his black shirt and cloaked Jungkook's wound with it immediately, "HYUNG!! OUCHHH!!" he whined. "Shut up," Taehyung said quietly while covering the cut.

"Done! Let's go! You got the chip, right?" "Yeah!" With this, they looked around and began to leave the house.

They began to relax when Jungkook asked him, "Did you meet her hyung?" "Y/n? No- Couldn't!" he blushed and felt ashamed of his cowardice.

No one saw it when there came a swift, loud strike of a bullet gliding against the firing shaft of the gun, getting coated with gunpowder, ready to get the victim screaming in pain of its stinging effect.

It hit Taehyung-

Right through his bare skin, through his back, surpassing his skin layers... The area where his heart was located.

A very critical zone!

His body twitched, a wave of shock shook his entire body. His mind stopped functioning and vision became all hazy. He fell onto the ground by his face.

Jungkook was left stunned.

He scanned the area and spotted a figure near the bushes outside. He took out his shotgun this time and fired. All the ammo, 3 packs, emptied. Being a sniper, he indeed hit him. The man was dead. Jungkook's mind was heating up second by second, which is when he composed himself and ran to the helpless Taehyung laying down on the ground.

"Hyung!!" He let out his tears which fell on his face.

Taehyung's upper body was leaking of blood like water. It was a good amount of flow! Dangerous!

His face and arms fell pale.

"Don't fall weak. I love you. Will always watch you bunny-" he choked and coughed out blood on Jungkook's pants as he was resting his head on his lap.

Jungkook pressed on his wound managing his shoulder at the same time, "Stop it hyung! You'll be okay!" He quickly got his phone out and called an ambulance. He didn't care about the bloodshed in the background right now.

"Ju- Jungkook-" Taehyung tried to speak, "YES! YES! I'M HERE! DON'T TALK PLEASE! WAIT A BIT!" He replied in total panic.

"No- Tell her- I love her- I re- really do- and- I didn't kill- Lo-ki-" "Hyung I know! Please don't talk! You will tell her yourself. Hang in there!" He cried harder.

That's when Taehyung felt his eyelids closing and his eyes shut themselves, being out of blood and energy.

He fought for a long time.




(don't kill me-)




See ya 8-o

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