┊i. three

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|  · • ❝〔𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 〕❞ • ·

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| · • ❝〔𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 〕❞ • ·. . . •. .; ✿. • |

(F/n) was in her office finishing up some work
About to get ready for bed though her mind was traveling and she couldn't seem to get a grip. She looked over at the clock to see that it was 11:43pm "I'm not gonna be able to handle taking care of three kids tomorrow if I can't get some sleep" she picked up all her things and started to clean up at bit. After cleaning her office she headed over to her spacious bathroom.For some reason whenever she was there she felt a warmth envelope her and bring her back to the times of peace she had in her life.


"MOMMY ! Look! Daddy gave me a new toy!" "Wow honey it's so wonderful" "yeah he said he would get me another one when he came back from Korea!" "Yes honey,but for now you should head up to your room and get some sleep your first day of school is tomorrow!" "Oh yeah! I can finally got mee-
I look over at the door to see one of my maids "ms.(l/n) I put the other two boys to sleep" "o-oh yes thank you Mrs.Shawn" "you're very welcome enjoy your bath" "y-yes" AGH! What was that? Why am I thinking of..the past it hurts every time I think about it some why continue to do it?! Whatever I'm just going to go take a relaxing bath
I take off my clothes and get in the shower I scrub all the stress and worry from today away and get in the tub ahh finally I get to calm myself down a bit I really shouldn't be focusing on the present not the past I turn on the tv I have in my bathroom oh yeah Mrs Shawn did say she put the boys to bed but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say they won't be "sleeping" for long I could tell.in the car the look on the those boys faces told me to stay away well, I guess we will just have to see.This reminds me I wanted to go check up on luffy after I finished my work though considering he only looks about a year old he should be sleeping at this hour (AN: I ended up making ace and sabo 5 years older than luffy in this story) well no mind I'll just check on him in the morning.. that is if I end up getting sleep my damn self I just know these three kids are gonna be problematic

current time: 11:43pm
Time until escape: 2 hours 17 minutes
"DAMMIT!where is this woman's room!" "Ace calm down she will hear us" "BUT SABO WE CHECKED UP AND DOWN AND STILL HAVEN'T FOUND IT" "are you boys looking for something" I look over to see a short maid
"Um do you know where ms.(f/n)'s bedroom is at?" Sabo speaks quietly " oh yeah it's right next to you" she points to the door on our left "IT WAS RIGHT THERE" both me and sabo yell
"Shhhh! You might awaken luffy-Chan" "oh sorry" we say in unison again "well we will get going" "where you boys looking for her?Because she is in-" "no no we have a surprise for her!" Dammit I'm a terrible liar I sweat drop " oh ok hohohoho I'll be on my way" the brunette maid walks away "Hehehehe we can finally get what we came for then it's bye bye weird woman and her dogs" we walked into the room to find it was very spacious and luxurious "this room screams
✨𝐿𝑢𝑥𝑢𝑟𝑦✨" "it sure does" sabo repeats "LETS JUST GET WHAT WE CAME FOR AND GET OUT OF HERE" I accidentally yell. Sabo covers my mouth "shut up ace that maid might come back! Let's look for the money"

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