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Assalam o Alaikum/ Hello beautiful people! 👋

How are y'all doing? Please take care of yourself and stay safe.❤

So, the reason why I am back on this book is so exciting for me. Entangled Love has completed one year and now our lovely book gonna be having its first birthday.  I am so happy and proud of myself that by the grace of Allah, I have made myself to behold this day. But you guys also have a big role in this. Everyone who read, voted, and commented on my book, it became possible due to you. So thank you so much.💓

Now let us come to the main part. Honestly, I didn't have any plan to do something like celebrating 1st year of EL. I was just aiming to write an epilogue but that was also with the epilogue of its sequel Far Away Love but recently, I got a terrible loss of inspiration to write. I used to open Wattpad to write my books but I always ended up doing everything other than writing since my mind always turned blank. So I decided to do make some AESTHETICS of my all characters. Honestly, I loved these things and every time, I used to see them on other books, I admired them and wanted to make some for my books as well. That's how your author got an idea of celebrating our EL's first birthday lmao. And you know this also helped me to get my inspiration to write back. 😀

Though I started the book on 31st March last year since I was able to make the aesthetics before time so I couldn't control myself more and decided to let me show these to my lovely readers.

Sorry if I bored you with my babbling. Let us not waste any more time and I should show you the aesthetics of EL made by ME.

I know they won't be that beautiful and professional-looking since it's my first time making them and I have no experience to make things like that so please overlook any mistakes.

Without further ado, let's get to it. And also I remember I haven't told you about the ages of most of our main leads so I will be doing this as well.


💫Zara Khawar💫  19 years old

💫 Armaan Raissani💫   25 years old

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💫 Armaan Raissani💫   25 years old

💫 Armaan Raissani💫   25 years old

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💫Zainab Hashim💫 19 years old

💫 Shaiq Wajahat 💫  20 years old

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💫 Shaiq Wajahat 💫  20 years old

💫 Shaiq Wajahat 💫  20 years old

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This is it, I guess haha. I am so shy right now.  😄 I won't ask how are the aesthetics since I know they aren't good. But I just wanted to make them as something I love to do. ❤

And you know what? I was so pleasantly surprised by the fact that I didn't pay heed that our both male leads will have such a notable difference in their ages lol.

Regarding the epilogue of this book, I have changed my mind. I will try to write it anytime soon. I told you earlier that at first, I was planning on writing epilogues of both EL and FAL together but now I don't think I will be able to complete FAL this quickly since my toughest semesters are on their way from now on *sigh* and also I have two books to write so I just want to write an epilogue of EL ASAP In sha Allah. ❤


Moreover, you know while making these aesthetics I suddenly missed Zara and Armaan so much. 😭 Also

                     👾SPOILER ALERT👾

Don't read below if you haven't started reading Far Away Love.

I missed my funny boy Shaiq as well. I missed writing about how silly he used to act and how he used to crack jokes. 😭

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