Chapter 45

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Zara's POV

"Because now I have come to think of this, I guess I probably know your husband," he replies with a smile.

Instead of getting intimidated by his statement, I bend forward with my both arms resting on the table, I return him the smile, "Is that so?"

He first stares at me with a blank expression like he has gone into a trauma then in a split second, the side of his eyebrow lifts up as a mocking expression crosses his face.

"So you think I am lying?" He questions.

"You know what Shaiq?" I lean back so that my back hits the crown of the chair, "it's always like that. You start something with so vigor and in the end, it turns out nothing but an airless balloon."

"So I think, this time also you are beating around the bush. " I take a sip of the coffee.

"You have got to know so much about me in such a little time. Aren't you?" He smirks.

"I was right, isn't it?" I chuckle in sarcasm.

He just nods his head. Stupid!

"Well, I have serious advice for you; stop doing this already otherwise people will not believe in you anymore, " I assert, this time with a straight face.

"If you are asking then I will surely try to not do this." He picks up his phone and blows on its screen.

"Afterall, you are one of my friends," he declares with a smile.

There is something wrong with the way he says friends, a strange and unknown feeling which prompts me to stare at him more than I want. Despite being dubious of his smile, I brush it off as I know he is always crazy like this.

"So, your marriage, was it arranged? Or out of love?" He wipes his phone's screen with the tissue.

"I am sure it is love marriage considering how you guys were laughing and having fun back then."

I laugh inwardly at his comment. Does he really think my marriage with Armaan is based on love just due to we were laughing at something? And that laugh is also due to me being dumb, forgetting my phone.

"What are you planning for yourself, Shaiq? Love or arranged marriage?" I ask him back.

His hand working on his phone stops abruptly as he peeks at me with a bewildered look.

"Love in the form of arranged marriage," he mumbles.

I look at him with confusion. What does he mean by this?


"I want to make sure that the one I like will be wholly mine," he replies as a smile adorns his lips.

"Do you like someone? Who is she?" I ask in excitement.

"I'll tell you at the right time."

I pout my lips in disappointment.

"Is she from our University?"

"I said that I will tell you at the right time."

Idiot! Stupid!

I cross my arms on my chest in dismay. A sigh leaves my mouth seeing his amusing expression. I am sure he won't tell me now at any cost. But I am happy for him.


I flip the top cover of my laptop down in distress when after struggling for the nth to turn it on, all my effort is still in vain. I am yet to complete my assignment but it seems like I won't be able to do it. I lay the laptop beside me on the bed and hold my head between my both hands. Shaiq is right; that professor Wali is a devil and he will kill me if I won't submit him this assignment.

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