Chapter 33

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Zara's POV

"Come on now. It will be fun."

He holds my hand and interweaves our fingers. I watch my small hand being clasped by his large one with astound. It's always like that. He doesn't wait for my response. I gulp a big lump in my throat when we walk near to the bridge, seeing the enormous greyish stones plopping on the thin black rope. The blue water of the lake is ricocheting on the bridge timely, damping the stones giving them a tint of black color than their natural grey one.

"Just avoid looking down while going. Okay?"

Armaan informs at which I hurriedly nod my head. I gasp when my feet feel the bizarre texture of the stones under them. I leap first stone as my eyes linger on the lines scribble big rock on the shore of the lake.

It just looks like its scary, once you cross it, you'll forget the uneasiness you have suffered just like the hurdles masks once you get what you want from the life.

I can do this.


My eyes glisten at the sight of nature in front of me. The lake is looking more fascinating from this intimacy. I crouch down near it as I touch the soft grainy artificial sand with my hand and let it fall between the slits of my fingers. The green leaves on the sides of it are giving an invigorating sentiment to the eyes. I stare at the bridge again with an amused look. The words on the stone are absolutely true. It's not a really big deal to cross it. In fact, I enjoy it while walking on it. The same irregular stones which were looking horrible from a distance are so strong while actually walking on them, that they will not let you fall.

"How was it? I told you that you will like this, " Armaan asserts as I get up again wiping my hands and gaze at the lush green trees behind him. I love how this area is not really crowded.

"This is amazing. Thanks for bringing me here, " I say with a smile at which he smiles back. He walks towards me with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans and stands beside me.

"Are you seeing that tree?" He motions towards a far spot.

I follow his gesture with my eyes and find a massive tree on the distant end of where we are standing.

"If you will sit in its shadow, you will feel like its leaves are hugging you, " he says as his eyes fixed on the tree.

"Really?" I ask not believing him. How is this even possible?

"Of course, I even have experienced that too. Do you want to try?" He turns towards me.

"Why not? " I chime in the response. Without saying anything in reply, he walks ahead of me.

"But I don't believe you," I shout as I follow him.

He suddenly stops walking and turns around to face me.

"You think I am lying?" He asks with a raised brow. At that moment, I can't help but halt a smile at how adorable he is looking. It's like a small child who gets offended when someone denies his cute silly information.

"You better know this," I say as I suppress a smile.

He shrugs his eyebrows and walks towards me with a smirk.

"Now you will end up seeing it. Hurry up!" He grabs my arm and drags me with him.

"Hey! Leave my arm. You are hurting me," I hiss when he paces his steps. Why he has to walk that speedily always?

He halts right away and leaves my arm with a concerned look on his face.

"Oh sorry, "

I smile when he turns around.

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