Chapter 38

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Zara's POV

My eyes widen in stupefy when he says that. I star at him baffled by what he has said. In a blink of an eye, he drags himself closer to me. He gently rubs my cheek as his eyes stare right into mine. My breath hitches under his touch as I am again unable to move like always in his close proximity. He strokes my hair tied as a ponytail in slow motion. His eyes roam from my eyes and then to my lips. But soon his eyes follow his hand motion; on my hair.

In a split second, he moves back to where he was before. All of that left me dumbfounded. How he came near me and touch me, I feel shivers in my whole body. It's like that moment has captured my heartbeats and now I am helpless to control my own self.

"Love is not a mere feeling, it's a beautiful sensation, an embodiment and a core which gives vitality to your heart. Its an affection, benevolence, and devotion. And love doesn't need two souls, you can love yourself too, your life, your existence; it craves for your love."

I never thought that his intuition can be this beautiful and wonderful.

"Can I ask you one thing?" He abruptly asks.

I glance at him as I nod my head in approval.

"Why do you always keep your hair tie?

"Huh?" I touch my hair in haste, perplexed by his ambiguous question.

"I think I haven't asked something complicated, isn't it?" He asserts with a smile.

"It's because I don't like my hair to get messy," I reply.

"But you have got beautiful hair, you should let them fall free. Don't you think?" He exclaims.

I have no answer to this. Why he is talking to me about myself? I just show him an awkward smile. Why all of a sudden, I am feeling nervous in front of him. When he moved closer to me a while ago, I was expecting nothing but why at the same time, I want him to do that. It's like I am yearning for his touch to stay longer so that I can grope his warmth.

I grab my head in both hands in frustration. I am going crazy. This is wrong. This is absurd. I shouldn't be getting enticed by him. In irritation, I turn my attention to the river. The water now isn't moving that fast but still, I can hear the melodious sound of the passage of tides. Suddenly, the water starts rolling faster as wriggle forms in the water. My eyes widen in awe discerning the silver entity pushing itself through the whirl.

"Dolphin!" I shout in elation.

I take my phone and capture the alluring scene into my camera. I smile seeing the perfect spectacle on my phone. How beautiful! The smile departs my lips when I notice Armaan's eyes on me; in fact the smiling eyes.

He has changed so much but I don't know if it's good for me or not. Or perhaps he has been always like this. The paradox of his conversation with his father is still embedded in my mind. I am sure he won't tell me anything but I can't let it slide, especially when it concerns me as well.

"Can I ask you something too?"

"What is it?" He asks back, the smile still playing on his lips.

"What's the deal with your father? I mean why you were talking rudely to him?"

The smile on his face suddenly gets replaced by a stern look. His jaw tenses up in fury as his eyes again flare up with resentment. I shouldn't have asked him that.

"No need for an answer if you don't want to-"

"He is my father and my mother's husband just on papers. He is just a businessman who only has one aim in his life; to make money till his last breath. He has used my mother and-" he stares at me with an uncertain look like he has again blurted what he shouldn't have.

"Sometimes I really envy you. Like, your Dad is not your real father but he treated you more than an actual father could do. "

He has again changed the topic which means he doesn't want to discuss it with me. But I can't force him to disclose everything to me. I can clearly discern the grief in his voice.

"I don't know what your father has done but I know one thing, parents always do care for their children. Sometimes they just don't show," I state.

"He doesn't have anything which he can't show," he sighs.

I don't know why but I always feel bad seeing him like this.

"Leave it, I want to ask you something," he continues, "you have asked me about what I want from my life, I want to ask the same question from you."

"I have never think of this. I always had got what I want from life. But I nevertheless want something but at the same time, I am afraid to possess it," I respond, I can feel the sadness which is enhancing in my heart.

"What do you want?"

"Trust. I want to gain trust in people around me so that I can lay my head on their shoulder during distress but," I pause when my throat gets strangled with the lump of the tears, "I have lost everyone whom I trusted; whether it was my biological parents to my Dad and now you-"

I abruptly stop when I realize what I have just confessed in a stupor. I stare at Armaan who is looking at me without blinking uncertain of what I have said.

"We should get going now." I promptly stand up and jump out of the boat.

I don't even bother to look back at him. This is so embarrassing.


A loud, ominous voice makes me wake up. I slowly open my eyes but the only thing which welcomes them is horrifying darkness. I rub my eyes to get a better view. I am sitting on a stone bench and the voice from earlier is perhaps of falling of the stone which I have used as my support.

My eyes roam outside, the rain has stopped already. I remember as soon as we were out of the boat, the rain had started drumming wildly. And while waiting for the rain to stop, I must have slept. But where is Armaan?

I look around but he is nowhere. My heart sinks in fear when I can't see him. Where has he gone? There is nothing but darkness wherever my eyes are going. The place where I am right now is under a shutter. The faint sound of the rustling of the leaves creating creepy noise in the surrounding. If I remember correctly, before I fell to sleep Armaan was there. Now, where is he?

I get up and rush out of the shutter in a hope that I may find him, but to my anguish, my gaze comes back in dismay. Something flickers in my mind and upon realization, I grab my head in both hands. He can't leave me alone here. He cant be this heartless.

I shriek when a swishing sound comes in my hearing. And within a blink of an eye, something waxy and greasy wraps around my both feet.


Salam guys!

I am back with another chapter. Please vote and comment. They really mean a lot.

Let me tell you, the next chapter will have romantic scenes so I guess get ready for this lol. 🙈😝

Also, Zara will finally confess her feelings to one of the guys. Who do you it will be?

Here comes the important point so read it, please.🚨🚨

Are you satisfied with the pace of this book? Do you want me to take things quickly? I myself always want to give characters some time and conversation before putting them in any romantic situation. I feel like chemistry is more important than rushed romantic scenes. Still, if this book is slow you can tell me and I will try to make amends in the aspect of the pace.

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