a paris proposal

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*4 weeks in paris*

(H) *walking in kitchen* where's tamiki?

(K) he got up early and left to take his mom out to breakfast

(H) that's nice

(K) I'd like to take you over to the Eiffel Tower tonight, tamiki says they are lighting it up tonight before the fourth of july this weekend

(H) sounds great, how long are we staying in paris since I know the plan was to stay until june was over

(K) yeah I think will head back to Japan next week

(H) alright, do you think anne would come to japan or stay in paris?

(K) depending on if tamiki convinces her, he may have her move into one of the houses he owns since he lives at his father's house but owns his own house as well

(H) do all of you own your own houses?

(K) only tamiki but I plan on buying one soon since us wanting to have a place together

(H) yeah I've lived in my dad's apartment for seventeen years

(K) well once everything is paid I will have my own place so would you like to move in it with me?

(H) I'd love to

(K) *kisses haruhi*

- Eiffel Tower -

(T) haruhi kyoya you made it

(H) hey tamiki, anne

(An) nice to see you all again

(H) the reflection on the water is beautiful

(An) would you like to walk over there with me? The boys can follow behind

(H) yes *walking with anne*

(T) you ready for your proposal?

(K) nervous as hell

(T) you've got this, marriage is nervous for anyone but I know you can do it she's the girl you fell in love with since the day she walked into club go make her your forever

(H) paris is beautiful

(An) I've been here mostly all my life it's a great place, where's your mother?

(H) she passed away when I was five to a sickness, cancer took her and she never knew she had it so I grew up with my dad

(An) I'm so sorry about your loss, if you ever need any motherly advice I'm free to talk to

(H) thank you

(An) but I think something new is about to happen for your future

(H) what do you mean?

(K) haruhi fujioka you've always been the love of my life...

(H) *turns around* kyo

(K) ever since you first entered club I felt something I never really felt about anyone, I had feelings for you until the day I asked you to be mine and now I'm here in one of the great places of love to ask you to be mine forever

(H) what are you asking?

(K) I'm asking you this *bends down on one knee with ring* haruhi fujioka will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and marry me?

(H) yes I will marry you

(K) *places ring on finger and hugs haruhi*

(T) *cheering* way to go

(K) *kisses haruhi* I love you and I'll always love you

(H) I'll always love you to

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