t w e n t y o n e.

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I was still feeling unwell and exhausted by both my life and myself. I had not once left this sleeping chamber of the crown prince, Jungkook.

I've been looking at the same ceiling day and night. I've gotten feed like this. Just looking at the ceiling and not saying a single word. Even the days when the sun was shining through the wooden windows, I would still feel blue and grey inside like there was no sun in my life. Everyday was plain and emotionless. Like a blurry reality that doesn't exist anymore.

Jungkook would come here and there sometimes, and when it got night, he would be uncomfortably close to me, and be a lot affectionate towards me without thinking in which state I was in.

This heartbreak was even more hurtful and painful than the breakup between me and Eunwoo.

I won't object anymore no matter what. I know that everything I've been trying is nothing worth it. I would just keep on meeting the same fate as losing a person I so dearly grew love to.

"Lady Kim, Our highness the crown prince wants you in his throne hall." The court lady announce to me while keeping herself down in a bow.

I decided to just follow along this time since I've been keep rejecting his orders, but as I now know. Then there Is no use in such thoughts and decisions.
I shift my tired eyes that may have been gotten dark spots and bags under my eyes to the court lady and nodded slightly to her.

I removed the sheets from my upper body and started to move with slow steps to the exit of the room and follow the court lady. I caught a glimpse of myself from the body lengthened mirror and I looked like I just woke up from dead, and was pale as the white clouds that was up in the blue sky.

I frowned when I stepped outside and squinted my eyes, as the sudden sunlight caught my eyes. I put a hand infront of my eyes and continuously followed the court lady who was walking with fast steps.

As we finally reached to the throne halls stairs I nodded slowly to the court lady without any expression at all.

As the guards announced my arrival. I walked inside while my head was hanging low and cold.

The throne hall was all empty expect for the person who was sitting on the throne, obviously being, Jeon Jungkook.

I bowed and still kept my eyes on the ground. What did he want to now? Do another forceful make out session or what?

He pointed that I should come over to him, and so I did. As I was walking I could feel his darting eyes keep following each of my moves and I could see with the third eye that he had a ridiculous smirk planted on his face.

I reached to him and as I was about to take another step he decided to pull me on his lap, and grab my hips tight while his other hand rested around my waist.
I didn't had any reaction to his sudden move since I was kinda getting used to it. He used me as his little doll whenever he was bored, but he had also a weird obsession with me that was just so psychotic.

He was also beginning to be very overprotective, and say that if I just looked at another male he would get him killed the next day even though he was innocent. And that did he prove once a young eunuch who interacted with me and asked me where the library was and I followed him to the place, but on our way we met Jungkook and suddenly he called out the guards to get him locked up and got him beheaded the next day.

I was in mental shock and to this day I wouldn't raise my head even once to another male, because of the fearful behavior Jungkook had.

"You finally came out, princess?" He pinched my chin and caressed my cheek.

"I miss you being cheerful and smile. I love your beautiful smile, that I would do anything to see... can you smile for your man?" He asked with a soothing voice that was more like a whisper.

I forced myself to bring my outer corner of my mouth to upturn, and I gave him a weak fake smile as he so desired to witness.

"Now can you maybe say you love me, huh?" He seductively whispered into my right ear and planted a kiss on my neck.
"I" I started with the raspy voice I got of almost not talking for days.

"I love you." I quietly said while pressing my tears to not come out on my eyelids. I bit my lower lip because of how I started to tremble.

"Good girl." He planted another kiss on my lips and repeat. He started to make out with me as the kiss got a lot my hot. He grabbed my neck and straddle me on his lap and began to kiss me down on my neck to my collar and up again to my mouth.

Please stop. Please someone. Just someone interrupt him.
He began to suck on my neck until he left a mark everywhere on my neck and looked at my neck as if he had created a masterpiece and was satisfied of the outcome.

"So beautiful." He whispered and gave me another sloppy kiss on my lips.

"Can't you just see how much I love you?" He confirmed and began to pull a bit of my hanbok to have a more clear sight of my collarbones and neck.

I began to tremble even more, and I felt like all the blood had left my body. He laughed evilly and could see how much he is hurting me.

Suddenly someone stormed inside the throne hall, and I hurriedly pulled the crook of my hanbok in place again.

Jungkook let out an annoying sigh, and clenched his teeths. He looked down to see who dared to interrupt him.
To his surprise he saw, Jimin.
Jimin had his eyes wide open as with an open mouth. He was in shock what he just witnessed, and when I turned around I looked at him with the same expression.

Suddenly, all of the emotions I had boiled up because of this scene, I finally let the tears go. Jimin made me get a home feeling, and the feeling of that there was still people who actually cared for me.

"Kim Sung..." He slowly said and just looked at me up and down. "Are you okay?" He asked and I just nodded while drying my tears that was falling uncontrollably down my cheeks.
"I'm alright, Jimin! Don't worry!"

I waved my hands in front of him and began to walk down to him.

He came close to me and took a grip of me as I was close to loose my balance.
"Are you sure because it doesn't seem like that"
He gave a questioning look to Jungkook, but Jungkook didn't seem to have any reaction and shrugged his shoulders.

"Jimin, there really isn't something that I'm hiding so just relax" I quickly told him to make him not get second thoughts about how badly my condition looked to the scene he just witnessed that honestly was probably looking pretty forced.

He patted my head gently and gave me a hug.

"If you say so. I came here to talk with Jungkook about some things. You can go back to your room, and get some sleep. You don't look quite good. Looks like you haven't steeped for days." He gave me another worried look and kept squeezing my arm gently.
I haven't sleep for days, Jimin. I wish I could tell you everything from start to end... but I'm left with no choice and handle this by myself and get all the pain without sharing it with others that I keep hurting. It's better that I'm quiet about everything, and I goddamn know that Jungkook is enjoying every second of it.

"Yeah, I think I'll also go and get some rest, take care." I began to slowly step away from him, but then I remember about a certain person whom I almost forgot about.

I turned around.

"And Jimin! Tell Jihyo that I'll soon come and visit her." I gave him a sad smile, and he nodded back as approval.

To be honest. I didn't wanted to leave. I wanted to go back home with Jimin, and leave this horrible and traumatizing place which is only painful to stay in.

I let out a sigh and turned around once again to finally exit this thick aired throne hall, that just makes me feel nauseous and anxious.

I wanted to go back to Jimin, and tell him he should take me back, but I sadly cannot do.

As I breathed in the fresh air that made me feel more at ease, I then stopped shaking and looked down my hands as they were getting pretty pale.

What am I supposed to even do. And for which reason did I end up here?

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