s i x t e e n.

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I thought I could finally find peace and fairness here, but I guess not. I will never meet happiness wherever I go. It won't matter.

"We are here." He said quietly.

I was still looking outside the little opening as a widow. I had gotten tired after crying so much. I don't know if I've had ever shed so many tears ever in only one day.

Oh, actually I have. When I lost my parents.

He felt a hand grab mine and drag me out of the carriage.

I felt emotionless and mentally exhausted. I didn't release that Yoongi was looking at me with worried eyes.

Yoongi was nowhere to found and I was just following Jungkook as his slave.

My head was still hanging as we walked inside the palace where everyone was.

They announced our presence and then I got dragged after Jungkook.

"Raise your head, or it won't end well when we go back home." He said and clenched my hand in his until I winced in pain.

I blankly looked down at the floor, and nervously gulped. I then raised my head slowly and put on a fake smile on my face.

I could hear voices that were either admiring me or hating on me. What am I stuck with?

He's manipulating me.

He then wrapped his arm around my waist and we met two people that looked like the married one.

I bowed slightly.

"Congratulation." I simply said and I could feel my hoarse throat, which began hurting.

My hearing became blurry and I could feel Jungkook was joking around and having a conversation with his cousin.

His wife came over to me and asked if I was okay. I just nodded, but it was all a lie. I didn't anymore anyone's pity. I don't deserve anything since I only get what is unfair everywhere I go. My vision became slowly darker and darker every second.

I held onto Jungkook's arm sleeve so that I could hold myself in balance.

Everything around me became dark and I then fell onto the cold ground.


I saw a faint light from the distance. I walked slowly closer to it out of curiosity.

Then there were two figures that walked in my direction.

I suddenly recognized who those two were.

My parents.

"Mom?! Dad!?" I shouted and ran as fast as I could with my weak legs.

"Kim Sung!" I could hear a faint voice.

I ran and got closer to them and I never thought that I would ever meet them again.

They opened their arms so that I could hug them and I did.

I pressed them and held them tight in my grip.

"Is this real. Are you guys really real?" I asked while sobbing in their arms.

"I really missed you guys, and I love you guys so much, so please don't leave me!"

"I'm sorry Sung-ah, but we can't be with you for so long."

I looked at them with a furious facial look.


"I am sorry but we can't answer you that," My mother said as she continued my father's sentence.

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