11. Hardcore third wheeling.

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"You have a girlfriend?" I choke on my words.

"Yes, he does," the blonde smiles smugly.

"I think Ian can speak for himself," I bite back.

The three of us are all standing in the doorway, because I am not letting that psycho in my house.

Ian shuffles his feet, "Yeah, actually I do. Jodi this is Esther, Esther this is Jodi. Sorry you guys had to meet this way."

I glare at him, "Yeah, so am I."

"Snippy, snippy," Esther clucks, "You're not the one having your boyfriend stolen from you."

Ian shrinks into a corner.

"I'm not stealing him!" I hiss, "He came to my house! And only to apologize for being a selfish butt head!"

"Jodi's right," Ian says in a small voice.

"I don't believe it," Esther throws her head back dramatically, "It's either me or her, babe!"

Both me and Ian's mouths drop open. I look at him and he's just staring at Esther.

She grabs his face and closes his mouth shut, "Choose," she demands.

Suddenly Ian springs to life, "Esther, baby girl, of course I choose you. Jodi's just a friend,"

I cough loudly to make sure they know I'm still here.

"I'm not buying it," Esther says.

Ian leans forward and kisses her, right on the lips and right in front of me. Not just a peck, either.

I think I just threw up a little.

"But I'll let it slide," she adds with a wink.

"Um, hey guys. Not sure if you realize, but this is my house. So if you wanna passionately make out, get a room," I interrupt.

Esther grins evilly and laces her fingers through Ian's.

"What a great idea!" She exclaims in her obnoxious tone, "There's a really nice bed at my place, babe."

If they call each other babe, baby, or baby girl one more time I'll rip their vocal cords out.

Right before Ian steps out the door I whisper harshly in his ear,

"If you think we aren't gonna talk about this, you're dead wrong, Ian Kelsey."


Reece let me in through the back door.

Somehow, my anger is still fresh and hot as ever. Last night was completely unexpected, atleast for me it was. I turn the knob and swing the door open. He doesn't deserve for me to knock. Luckily, he's not getting dressed or anything. He's lounging on top of his bed reading a book. Ian immediately straightens up. He sits very still, as if he thinks maybe I won't see him if he stays quiet.

"What kind of joke are pulling on me?" I yell.

"Jodi," he sighs, "do we have to talk about this?"

Now I'm pacing around his small bedroom.

"Don't try and play that card, Ian."

He runs his hand through his perfectly styled hair, "It's not a joke, Jodi."

I narrow my eyes, "Than what is it?"

"She really is my girlfriend. I'm surprised you don't recognize her," Ian mumbles.

Recognize her? I've never met a girl as crazy as Ian's girlfriend.

I just stare at Ian with a blank expression.

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