6. Brownie boy.

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I have a slave.

The word slave sounds pretty creepy. . .

Correction, I have a servant.

I'd texted Ian to come over. The only reason I have his number is because he stole my phone and put it in.

Like the annoying creep he is.

He is an annoying creep to me, nothing more, nothing less.

Although he is pretty dang cu-

Why can't I just tell me brain to shut up? It's my brain and I can't even control my thoughts!

The door bell rings. I jump up from the couch to go open it, then I realize I'm being too enthusiastic.

"Come in!" I yell while I sit back down on the couch.

He strides in, holding a box of brownie mix.

"Why exactly did you want me to bring this?" Ian asks holding up the mix.

"I wanted to watch a movie and eat brownies. But I didn't want to make brownies or go buy mix. Duh. Can you bake?"

"Yeah. ."

"Good. Well get to baking, brownie boy."

He chuckles, "You have me as your personal slave and you just want me to make brownies?"

"Shut up before I think of something else. I want brownies, so chop chop."

He laughs lightly and starts preheating the oven. He gets a bowl and pours the ingredients in. He cracks each egg with his big hands and manages not get any shells in the batter.

"Wait. . How did you know where everything is?" I question.

He winks, "Oh. No reason."

"I swear, if you've been sneaking in here at night or something I will call the police."

"I just guessed, pumpkin." He snorts.

Pumpkin is an adorable nickname.

"Call me pumpkin, one more time, and I'll gouache your pretty, blue eyes out."

"Aw, you think they're pretty! Jodi has a lil crush!"

"Could you do me a favor?"


"Hand me a knife," I point to where the knifes are.

"Sorry. No can do," he scoffs.

"You make everything so difficult!"

Don't ask me where that came from.

"Well it'd be boring if I just gave you a knife. Besides I'm not ready to die. I'm too young."

I roll my eyes. How am I supposed to reply to that?

"Are you gonna watch me make brownies or-"

"I was going to look for a movie, but then you accused me of having a crush on you and that brings my violent side out," I cut in.

"Sure. ." Ian smirks.

I go back to up to my bedroom and look for a movie. I don't want to take too long because I don't think Ian alone in the kitchen is a good idea. It can't be too old, or too new. A classic movie.


It's my favorite movie and I've probably watched it a quadrillion times. One more time won't hurt, right? Also this movie has no kissing so it won't get awkward. Yeah, I thought that through.

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