4. Teddy bears and rapists.

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I can't sleep.

Not because of the same dream I have almost every night. I have way too much on my mind. I'm a sixteen year old girl! I should be worrying about what color I want to paint my nails and boy drama. Actually, I do have drama with a boy. Ian.

But not that kind of drama.

The problem is that I was planning on watching Netflix all summer and possibly putting on a few pounds. NOT doing insane dares everyday with a guy I don't even know. Or like.

And that ladies and gentlemen is why I can't sleep.

I kick both of my feet up so the end of my blanket is underneath my legs. Still not cozy. I stack some pillows on top of my head, but end up nearly suffocating myself.

Eventually, I get out of bed. Maybe I can tire myself, then fall asleep. There's very few forms of exercise I enjoy, this one is my favorite.

I rush over to my dresser and pull out my fuzziest socks. Once they're on I slide across my room on my feet. After many ungraceful pirouettes and some dance moves of my own my legs feel tingly and numb. I swear I'm a five year old trapped in a sixteen year old's body. So after a long, hard workout I head to kitchen.

As usual.

There in the freezer I find the ice cream I had hid from my sister. It feels weird calling her that. We have more of an awkward I barely know you relationship. My mom had me right once my big sister left for college. So it's just me and my parents most of the time. Well not exactly, my parents film for National Geographic and are home two months out of the year.

So yeah, it's just me.

Me and my chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, of course.

The bright light from the freezer nearly blinds me.

"Come to Mama," I whisper like a creep.

I jog back up the stairs to my bedroom. I swing the door open to my bedroom and freeze.

There, sitting on my bed is a dark figure, a person.

Holy crap. What if it's a rapist?

The rapist hasn't heard me yet so I have some time to devise a plan. First, I'll flick the lights on and throw my teddy bear at it to distract it. It's the only object near me. Maybe some of the sparkles will get in the rapist's eye or something. Then I'll run to my closet and get the baseball bat to defend myself. After that I'll question the intruder to figure out what they're doing in my room.

Okay. Go time.

I grab my glittery, blue bear, turn the lights on, and chunk it at him. It's a he. But not just any he.


I'm halfway to my closet when I recognize the guy. I'm both confused and terrified. And angry, very angry.

"What the fluff are you doing in my room? You can't just waltz into my house like you own the place, Ian! I thought you were a freaking rapist! What about your parents? Do they know where you are? It's nearly one in the morning!" I fume.

"Fluff?" He chuckles.

"You're sorta missing the point."

He unconsciously scratches the back of his neck.

"They don't really know. Or care."

I sigh, "Well, why are you in my room? I met you today, you creep."

"I was bored, I live like five houses down, and I wanted to talk to you," He counts on his fingers.

"Talk about what? How much more torture I'll be going through because of you?"

"Geez, calm down. I'll probably make this easier on you."

"You're basically calling yourself a blessing," I point out.

"Well," Ian laughs.

"Get out."


"You're a conceited, cocky, butt face and I want nothing to do with you."

He just laughs.

I'm going to pretend it doesn't sound like an angel laughing.

"Leave or I'll call the cops."

"Okay, okay," Ian raises his hands in surrender.

"But Isabelle and her friend-"

"Devin," I snap.

"Right. They said to meet at Isabelle's house tomorrow at ten in the morning."

I nod.

"See you there, Pumpkin."

"I can't wait," I say with my voice dripping sarcasm.

And with that he climbs out the window and down a ladder he put there.


Short chapter? I know.

Sorry but I felt this was a good stopping place before the excitement of chapter five.

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Y'all are pretty dang cool. (;


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