13. When two boys collide.

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"Who are you?" Linus asks, standing up quickly.

Ian raises his eyebrows, "Who are you?"

They are both standing in my room facing each other.

"I should probably introduce you guys," I mumble.

"How long has he been staying here?"

"Is he your boyfriend or something? I can't believe I didn't-"

"Stop!" I yell, it catches their attention, "Give me a second to explain."

The two boys sit on the edge of my bed. Ian has an ugly frown etched on his face.

"Okay, Linus, this is Ian-"

"Linus?" Ian asks incredulously, "Isn't that the-"

"Yes, he is," I answer angrily, "Now let me finish."

"Linus, this is my, uh, friend Ian. It's a long story but Devin and another friend of mine convinced me to do crazy dares everyday this summer. Ian is doing them with me."

Linus opens his mouth to say something but I give me a look that says to save his questions for later.

"Ian, this is my friend Linus," this time I don't hesitate, "I thought he was dead but it turns out he's not. He's staying here for the summer."

"The whole summer?" Ian says rudely.

"Yes," I grit my teeth, "and he's coming to Paris with us too."

I didn't mean to say that but there's no turning back now. Sometimes words slip out when I'm angry. Hopefully, it won't be weird being in Paris with a guy I just friend-zoned.

Ian doesn't say a word.

Linus shoots me a look of confusion, "I'm what?"

I scratch behind my ear, "Oh yeah. I forgot to run it by you. In two days, Me and Ian and his girlfriend are going to Paris for a week. Do you want to come?"

Ian's face makes it seem like he just watched a puppy get run over by a semi-truck.

"I-uh-sure!" Linus grins.

I offer a small smile back.

"Jodi, can I talk to you alone for a minute?"

Shockingly, Linus exits the room without a word.

"What?" I spit.

"I just can't believe you're inviting that guy."

"I can't believe you're being such a jerk about this!" I reply angrily.

"He lied to you-"

I go over and sit beside Ian on my bed.

"Listen, Ian," I try and control my words and temper, "You lied to me too. Don't try and act like you're innocent. In fact, sometimes I wonder why I'm even doing these dares with such a-"

He raises his hands in surrender, "Okay, I get it."

Ian gets up and, for some reason, starts pacing the room.

"Why are you even here?" I sigh.

He looks at me, then looks away.

"Forget about it," He opens up my window and climbs out, "See you tomorrow."

"See ya," is all I reply with.

He goes down the ladder and out into the night. I watch him walk down the street.

"Hey," Linus pokes his head through the doorway, "Can I come in?"

I look up, "Yeah, sorry about that, about Ian."

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