12. A stranger in strawberry fields.

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I'm going to Paris, France in two days and I have no one to take. I have to take someone or I'll be stuck with the disgusting pair of love birds.

Seriously, they're always all over each other. Esther couldn't get halfway through Isabelle's announcement without kissing Ian. They also can't walk anywhere without holding hands and Esther always giggles evilly.

Devin can't go. Neither can Isabelle or Reece. That's about as far as my friend list goes.

I'm also still hurt over the fact that I told Ian about me basically killing my best friend and he couldn't tell me he has a girlfriend.

So, yeah, I have a few things on my mind.

From: Unknown | 11:35 am
Meet me in the strawberry fields.

Great, the only person who texts me is a stranger. Probably some desperate 6th grader.

To: Unknown | 11:35 am
Sorry, I think you have the wrong number..

From: Unknown | 11:36 am
No I don't. Please meet me there at noon, Jodi.

That's a little creepy. But there's no point in being afraid, who would want to murder me? I'm too boring to have an exciting death like that. Unless they did message the wrong number and kill me instead. But the strawberry fields would be a pretty lame place to do it. Kids around here go there all the time to pick strawberries. They're also my favorite fruit, so this is a good excuse to get some.

To: Unknown | 11:38 am
Okay, stranger.

What could possibly happen? I think as I change from pajamas to nicer clothes.

From: Unknown | 11:39 am
Can't wait. (:

This is probably just Isabelle pulling my leg or something. Who else would want to prank me? I head out of the house since it's a fifteen minute drive.

Isabelle would be so proud.

Look how adventurous I am!

Also, dangerous and stupid.

I just push that thought to the back of my mind as I climb in my red Jeep and start the engine. Next I turn up the radio and jam to some music.


He or she, who ever it is, told me to wait in field three, row two. I'm starting to re-think me decision now that I'm here. It's a strawberry picking field for kids, but that sort of makes it even more creepy.

A masculine voice behind my says, "Don't turn around."

He's like three feet away from me, and I try not to turn around out of instinct.

"U-uh, okay," I mumble.

He uses his hands and covers my eyes from behind.

"Now guess who I am," he orders.

Whoever he is he is tall because his voice is coming from above my head.

"Abraham Lincoln?" I say in an attempt to be funny.

He laughs, "Go fish."

He sure is one friendly criminal.

"I don't know."

"C'mon. Guess," the voice urges me.

"The only person I knew who is as tall as you is-"

He removes his hands from my eyes and makes my words stop mid-sentence. I whirl around to see who it is. I drop my phone in the dirt. Tears well up in my eyes and I just stand there, slowly shaking my head. His smile transforms into a frown.

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