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Okay listen, as you all know you should always be happy for your best friends. I mean, I met Julie a few weeks ago and I totally love her! You know, she's sweet, funny, caring all of those things. I have nothing against her. 

But hearing that her and Noah got together made me- I don't know. Jealous. 

I haven't even seen Noah for like a few years, and my feelings for him have come back. 


"Mari? What are you doing here?" I heard a voice come from afar. I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up from the curb. "Uh- just chilling you know." I sniffled. 

He sighed and came over by me. "Are you crying?" He asked softly, lifting my face and wiping off my mascara that have fallen. "Well, maybe from the fact that my mascara is ruining my dress- then yes."

"What happened?" He asked, pulling me into a hug. I just broke down. "Marcus broke up with me."

"On prom?" He questioned, ripping us from the hug, and cupping his hands around my face. "What other night is it? My moms birthday?" I joked. He let out a small chuckled before pulling me into another hug. 

"Listen, if it makes you feel better I can be your date. I know how much you wanted to go."


He nodded. We made our way to the car and headed back over to the school. 

And this was one of the best nights of my life.

~Flashback over~

I took a sip of the cold red liquid in my solo cup. "Hey Mars, you okay? You've been staring at Noah and Julie for like the past five minutes." Sahana asked, coming to rub my back. 

I quickly snapped out of my trance. "Yeah! I'm good. Sorry, I just got lost in thought." I totally changed my mood. "Okay good, just came to check." She grinned, then made her way back to Luke. 

I should think about acting as a career. 



"What was that about? Is she okay?" I asked. "Yeah she's fine- probably something to do with Noah." 

"Noah?! Dang, I owe Alex ten bucks." I snared. Sahana whacked my arm playfully before grabbing my hand to go get something to eat. Along the way, we were stopped by a few guests, saying how cute of a couple we were. 

Each time, me and Sahana would laugh. "People must like us together, huh." I chuckled. "I guess." She grinned. 

Finally, we made it to the food table. "Flynn really splurged on the budget." Sahana giggled, looking at all of the deserts and appetizers. "I have to owe it to her- she chose some really good options." 

"I agree." I said with my mouth stuffed of something wrapped in cheese. Sahana chuckled while picking up a thing with some green stuff on top. I quickly snatched it from her. "What's this?" I asked, stuffing it into my mouth. "Mushroom." She sighed. 

My eyes flew open. 

I .



"Napkin!!" I yelled. She snatched one from the table and handed it to me. I spit out all of the green and brown mush. "Eww." I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to face Anna and Reggie, arms linked. 

"Should we refer to you guys as 'Madam and Sir' or something." Sahana asked, looking over my shoulder and seeing their arms intertwined. "Ha, very funny." Reggie addressed in his 'British accent'.

"Sweetie, don't." Anna giggled. They grabbed some punch and went on to talk to some other guests. I looked at Sahana, and snorted. "What." She chuckled. "Ha, very funny." I mimicked Reg. 

She shook her head and motioned for us to interlock arms. I fixed my posture and softly linked arms. "Shall we?" I asked. 

"We shall." She responded. "Hey! They are copying us!" I heard Reggie squeal. 


After a little while, we went over by Willie and Flynn. They were still playing that videogame and yelling at each other- like a lot. "NO! YOU GOTTA KILL THAT ONE!" Flynn shouted, pointing to some random dude on the screen. 

"I'M TRYING!" Willie shouted. "You're doing great, babe." Alex said, patting his back. "Babe?" I questioned with a fake flirt in my voice. "Oh shut it." Alex replied, clearly embarrassed. 

"OH COME ON!" Flynn chucked the controller at the ground. And with that, me and Sahana scurried away- scared at Flynn's newly gained antics. 

We noticed Anna and Reggie and we decided to go talk with them. But as we were going over there, we bumped into some people I have been avoiding. 

"Hey guys! How are you doing?" 

Good grief.



"No- please." I tugged on Noah's sleeve. "Come on! We haven't seen them all night." He whined. I looked over at Luke and Sahana, who were making their way over to Anna and Reggie. "Okay, fine." 

"Hey guys! How are you doing?" Noah greeted them. Luke looked over at something, but returned his attention back to us. He quickly cleared his throat, and wrapped his arm around Sahana's waist, and pulled her closer to him. 

"We are good. How about you guys?" Sahana asked, shocked a little from Luke's gesture. "Good. So are you guys like, together now?" Noah asked, clearly trying to make conversation. I stepped on his shoe. 

"Uhh-" Was all that came out of their mouths. "I guess it's a little complicated." Luke managed to get out. Then, he kissed Sahana's cheek. A blush rose to her face as she returned the gesture. 

I tried my best to hold in a scoff. I shouldn't be jealous, I have Noah now. "Well, that's great!" I faked. 

They grinned and we just stood there awkwardly. "We should get going. Nice to see you guys." I quickly muttered, pulling us away. "What was that for? I wanted to talk with my sister." 

"Sorry. I just want to-" Then we heard a hurl noise coming from a different room. Me and Noah quickly went over there to see Anna and Reggie comforting Mari, who had just thrown up. "Oh sweetie, do you need a change of clothes?" I asked as we approached the scene. 

"That would be great. Thanks." 


After that incident, we continued to talk to others, eat more food, and catch stolen glances from Sahana and Luke until the party was over. 

"Man, that was fun." Noah annouced to the group, who was now all chilling in the dressing room. "I agree." Luke said happily, clinging onto Sahana. 

yeah- i guess.


Am I lowkey like starting to ship Lahana a little bit? That's a secret I'll never tell. You know you love me-


(the answer is yes btw)


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