chapter 8

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When we exited the airport I got rid of the stone knife because the knife had a sense of evil about it. It was almost night. Sarah and I were still using sunglasses. One thing I forgot to tell you was that our eyes glowed, like a cats, they reflect light.  

       Anyway we were in Washington DC to meet up with Sarah's brother. We entered a taxi, "to the Washington monument please." Said Sarah. "Is that where your brother is?" I whispered. "Yes" Sarah whispered back. "We agreed to meet there, but we forgot to decide whether to meet inside or outside the monument. So you will go up to the top and look for him there.

       I will stay on the ground and look for him there." I nodded. We road in silence for we did not trust the cab driver. After a 15 minute ride we arrived at the Washington monument. We got out of the car and paid the driver. Sarah stood next to me, "Remember Jake, we are looking for a fellow elf, his eyes will be covered. He dyes his hair often so I don't know what color it will be. He is a big person, wide shoulders. He has the build of a tall quarterback in Football. He will probably contact you before you see him.

       I nodded then asked, "Why don't I stay on the ground and you go up in the monument?" Sarah blushed, embarrassed "I am afraid of heights." "Okay then." I started to walk towards the Washington monument. Then suddenly Sarah called after me, "Jake be careful!" I turned a smile on my face, "you too!" I continued onward towards the base of the white monument.

       As I grew closer I examined the monument. It resembled a great, white spike trying to pierce the air. I entered the monument and approached the elevator. I looked around to see if the other elf was around. He was not. I got on the elevator and endured a 10 minute ride to the top. It was the first time since I met Sarah that I was truly alone, I mean there other people there, but none were like me. I finally arrived at the top.

       I exited the elevator. I walked towards the window to check on Sarah. I looked down. She was scanning the crowd looking for her brother. She turned suddenly, her beautiful hair blowing in the breeze. I wished that I could have seen her eyes. I know longer found them disturbing. Only comforting. She looked up at me and gave little wave, which I returned.

       A voice sounded behind me, "Hello friend, don't turn, stay still, pretend to not notice me." I did as the voice directed. A large person moved to stand next to me. "I saw you wave at my sister." I allowed myself a quick glance at the person. He was a large man. His shoulder were wide, he was the perfect description of a quarterback. His hair was black with blonde highlights.

       I answered him, "I am a friend of hers." He shifted slightly, "any friend of my sisters is a friend of mine, my name is Morgan. I would offer you my hand but there are some here with us who are watching." I took a quick look around behind me; there were several people behind us, none who so much as noticed us. I turned back to Morgan, "My name is Jake, and By the way, I see nothing suspicious behind us."

       Morgan straitened, "The man by the elevator has a small camera sewn into his suit." I looked down at Sarah; she had her back to us. "Why is somebody watching us with a camera?" I whispered to Morgan. "I was caught, I hurried here to meet with you and my little sister and he followed me." "What should we do?" "When we leave he will follow, we will jump him in an alley and leave him in a dumpster." 

       I looked down at Sarah again; she was looking at us, a large grin on her face. I didn't notice it until it was too late. A taxi pulled up on the curb behind Sarah. Two men got out and ran to where Sarah stood. They each placed a fist on her side, both sides. They started to pull her towards the car. My mouth went dry; they were going to kidnap her. The next thing I knew, time began to slow. I knew what I had to do. While I was in elf sense I picked up Morgan and held him like baby, you know cradled.

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