chapter 14

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The next morning I awoke to the smell of bacon frying and eggs cooking. I walked

Downstairs to the kitchen. Morgan sat at the table rubbing sleep from his eyes. Sarah was by the stove cooking breakfast. "Good morning sleepy!" She spoke a grin on her face.  I mumbled "morning" and sat by Morgan and tried to work some sleep out of my eyes. After a few minutes of solid eye rubbing, Sarah served breakfast. We ate it all. It was delicious. After were done we washed the dishes. We took turns using the bathroom for showers. Sarah went to the study to read. Morgan and I went outside. We walked about outside for a while. He went into some nearby woods to explore. I returned to the tree from the day before. I climbed into the same branch and fell asleep. It must have been a strange sight to see. A person asleep in a tree. After about an hour Sarah opened up the door and called out, "Jake would you come here please? I have something I think you need to see." Her voice startled me. I fell out of the tree. When I was about halfway down a twisted in the air and landed gracefully on my feet. There was no way I could have done that with my human body. I jogged over to Sarah. She led me to the study. She sat in an easy chair and motioned for me to sit in the chair across from her. "Jake, my father told me about elf sense when I was a young girl." I nodded, why was she bringing this up? "My father also told me something else. He said that only the royal family could use it." I sat stunned for a moment, "But I am not from a royal family!" Sarah shook her head. She motioned to a book in her lap, "this is a genealogy of all the elves who came to the human world. Your mother, Jake, is the daughter of the princess who came with the people. Jake you are the only heir to the thrown in the elf world!" I sat stunned. It could not be true. How could it? "Sarah that cannot be right!" Sarah looked me in the eye, "It is true." I got up and left, I had a lot to think about. I did not say much the rest of that day. I went to bed that night in silence.

At midnight I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. It was Sarah. She put a finger to her lips indicating silence. Sarah motioned for me to follow. She left the room and went downstairs. I dressed myself and followed her curiously. We went outside. Sarah took my hand, "let us run." We ran towards the woods. It all felt like a dream to me. A good dream. We ran through the woods and came upon a treeless hill. Sarah led me up the hill. We reached the top and she sat down. I sat next to her. For a long time we stared at the stars. Finally we began to talk, "Sarah why did you bring me here?" Sarah did not answer. She pulled her knees to her chest and leaned her head on her knees. "do you not want to be here?" She replied softly. "of course but I was just curious." We lapsed into silence for a while, staring at the stars. "The stars are beautiful" Sarah said. I looked at her. "Not as beautiful as the person sitting next to me." Sarah blushed, "I think it is time for us to leave Jake." "No" I said. Sarah smiled at me, stood, and then said, "Catch me!" With that she took off running. I stood. Time slowed. I ran in front of Sarah and faced her. She was looking over her shoulder at where I had been, laughing. Time returned to normal. Sarah ran into me. We both fell to the ground laughing. "You cheated!" Sarah cried out. I laughed. I stared into her eyes for a moment. I leaned in to kiss her. She did not pull away as I had thought. Our lips brushed. I was the happiest man in the world. We pulled apart and looked at the stars. "I love you, Jake" whispered Sarah. I pulled her close, "I love you too." We held hands for a while and watched the stars overhead. A shooting star flew by. We stood and walked back to the house hand in hand. We each returned to our rooms. I slept better than ever before in my life.

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