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Being a runner came with difficulties

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Being a runner came with difficulties. You needed to have a strong heart and a clear head when you went into the maze. It was draining, depressing. Watching stone wall after stone wall, keeping track of anything new. In the beginning it seemed thrilling, and adrenaline was pumping excitement into your body at the thought of finding a way out of the Glade, but now it was the same thing over and over. Utter disappointment when you came back every night having to fake hope to the many young faces of the Gladers. But, something not often spoken about, would be the affects on the others, particularly the closest friends to the runners. Yours being Chuck. He had to fear every day that you would not make it back to the maze, and it was scary. You were always the one to sit back and let the greenies warm up to someone else, but with Chuck, you kept him under your wing. You were his best friend, and knowing that one day you could not return was hard. Like when you, Minho, and Alby had not return on schedule, and the maze doors started closing quickly.


"Oh no! Oh come on y/n."

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