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Minho was nervous, and granted, had some good reasons to be

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Minho was nervous, and granted, had some good reasons to be. When they first got up to the Right Arm's mountain passage, vehicles upon vehicles were pinned up, empty, and damaged. Then they were greeted with snipers from the rock tops, so it wasn't the most pleasant start. But Aris somehow came to the rescue. Minho still hadn't let you out of his sight, even when the snipers eased off and people came out to welcome the group in. You knew he was slightly overprotective, but you let him.


"Yeah, don't trust em fully yet, so just stay by me."



anddd we are done! yay!

well, not yay, but yay!

thank you so much for the support on this book! if you haven't already, please check out my account and see if any other books appeal, or request some ideas for some new books if you wish!!

thank you!!


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