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  Y/N: Quirk: Transformative Bond

     She can turn into any person that she has a strong relationship with, however the feeling must be returned by the other person/ being in order for her to transform into them. She can't transform into a general species, it has to be a specific animal or person. She loses the ability to transform into somebody when their relationship ends, and it's much harder for her to maintain a form when the relationship with the being she's transforming into is under stress.

   Sunlight seeps through the space between the curtains and the window, gently illuminating the room in a soft, warm glow.  'ughhhh do I really have to wake up? Can't I just not go to school today?' Something's off, but I'm not sure what it is. My room seems a little too bright and warm. The house just a little too calm. 'Don't tell me...' I groggily roll over, preparing for what awaits on my nightstand.



     Adrenaline surges through my body as I hastily throw my blankets off of my body, sending a chill up my spine as the cold air meets my warm body. I dash into my closet and hurriedly select a uniform to wear to school. With only a few minutes until 7:54 (the latest I've ever seen the bus stay) today was going to be a very close call.

'Fuck, I don't have time to get food, guess I'll have to grab something from school. Gross.'

"Sorry Maribell, I guess I'll have to feed you a ton when I get home!" I call out to my pet bunny, giving her an apologetic look before running towards the door.

     I take a final glance back at the clock as I shoulder my bag and hurry out the door. Taking a few rushed steps forward, I decide to use my last resort. Looking back at my beloved home one last time, I realize that the door was left open. I quickly lock the bottom lock from the inside and close the door, checking to make sure it's locked properly before closing my eyes and activating my quirk.

     'I don't think my neighbors would be very comfortable seeing a gazelle bounding down the street. I guess I'll turn into Maribell instead.'  My body begins to shift into the familiar form of a speckled brown rabbit, and once the transformation is complete, I dash down the street at top speed.

     Finally at the end of the road, the bus pulls up to the stop, almost in perfect time.'Huh, maybe the driver was running late today. What luck!'  I prepare to transform back as I approach the bus, but somebody behind me decides to pick me up. How disrespectful.

"Hello there little friend! You seem lost. Don't worry, I can help you!" 

     The voice of the person speaking to me was quite soothing, but also alarmingly unfamiliar. 'Is there a new student in school? I don't think so. If there was, Jocine would've texted me about it. Are we not friends anymore?? It has been a while since I've tried to transform into her.... does she not like me anymore???'  

     Suddenly, I feel somebody petting me. "Shhh, it's ok, you're safe now." I didn't even realize that they had gotten onto the bus already. I wanted to ask the driver why he was late. Oh well, I'll ask when I head home. I look up to see who in the world this person was, and to possibly introduce myself. Once I got out of this form of course.

'No way...'

     The person holding me was none other than Koji Koda, from class 1A, Hero Course of UA High School. 'What in the world? Why is he on my bus? I guess that explains how he was able to calm me so quickly though, considering his quirk. Wait hold on....'  "Shhhhhh, it's ok little friend, no need to worry." "Wow, usually they tend to listen to you right away, poor thing must be so scared!" Confused, I look in the direction of the strange voice. 'HOLY CRAP, IS THAT?-'

"Y-you're right Kyoka, she's awfully stressed out, I think it might be best to just let her sleep for now'

Oh wow! I think I might faint! These are all students from UA!! Look! There's Jirou and over there is Monoma, no way!!!!

"Rest little friend, there's a big day ahead, you'll get to see my school!"

'I don't want to fall asleep, but his voice is so persuasive...must....stay........ awake-'


Word count: 709

Thank you so much for reading! My upload schedule might be a bit out of wack, sorry about that in advance. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a stellar day or night!

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