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"I heard." the two colored boy states in a monotone voice, clearly not interested in conversation.

"Woah dude, do you like, live?" I say in shock. This child-man sounds like a damn zombie.

"What do you mean by that? I'm clearly breathing." He says confused

"I mean- uhm, do you ever have fun?" 

"What kind of question is that?"

'And that's it, I resign myself to being friendless forever. This man is clearly not interested in talking to me.' I look down at a loss for words."Y'know what? I'll just go-"

"Why?" He asks with a concerned expression.

"Well you don't seem super into conversation right now or anything I guess, and I don't want to bother you." 

He laughs "You're not bothering me at all, but you can leave if you want. I'm-"

"Todoroki, yes I know who you are. I know who everyone here is already if you didn't notice."

"Yeah, I figured."

"How could you tell?" I ask, puzzled.

"Well from the few interactions I've seen, you knew who everyone was because your face lit up and you just got this big grin. That and I'd assumed you'd seen the sports festival. There aren't many people around that haven't."

"You make a good point. So what's your opinion on the rest of the class?" I'm ready to learn more about this mystery of a child-man, and the rest of the class for that matter.

     He thinks for a minute, ".... I can't really give you much advice here, everybody acts really different, they're all crazy in their own way. Lots of people tend to stick in groups, but if you have the right personality you can float around those groups effortlessly, like Mina for example. I really do suggest that you take your own time to figure this place out."

"Ugh but I don't have time to figure this place out! I'm not even supposed to be here, I don't go to this school." I whine, sad that this is probably all I'll see of UA High School.

"Ah, that sounds like no fun."

Todoroki just goes cold, he offers me no other support or advice. I take this as a good time to end the conversation and I leave to find somebody else to talk to.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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