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     I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and pause for a second. 'This time I need to keep it together. No more scaredy-cat, I can't act like that here.' I let out a small sigh and open my eyes to the two next to me under the desk.

"Ya ready?"

     "Yeah, Everybody's waiting to ask you questions." He looks over at me and realizes that might not be the best idea right now. "But introductions first, obviously!!" He pulls a smile that I'd never seen on any picture circulating on the media. Note to self, denki is a person I would like to vibe with.

       "All right then, let's get this show on the road, you've got this Sunshine!"

I stop, dumbfounded. "What did you call me?"

"Uhh, Sunshine? I kind of forgot your name." Denki says, scratching the back of his head "Sorry."

"Oh, I'm Y/N, but you can call me whatever you want."

In a flash there's the short purple thing next to us. "So I can call you-"

"Aaaaand that's enough from you. Sorry to interrupt but I had a feeling you wouldn't mind, the name's Hanta Sero. That's Mineta" Hanta gestures to the now taped up Mineta.

"Wait that thing's a human? It acts like a...... you know I can't even think of what it acts like."

"That's a little harsh there Y/N..." Denki says quietly, looking down.

"Anyways, getting back on topic, hi Sero, I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you! You seem pretty cool!" I say energetically. "Your quirk is super cool, I saw you during the cavalry battle, it was awesome!! I can't believe I finally get to meet you!" 

"Heeeyyyyy, where's my warm welcome?" Denki whines in jealousy. 

"You big baby, you want an apology?"

"All right now you're being mean, seriously what did I do to you?" He crosses his arms and pouts.

     I laugh at his childishness. "Sorry, I'll be nicer, just don't be such a baby or Bakugou will be right!" I poke his cheek and stick my tongue out at him. He takes a moment to process what I just said and looks up at me. "You better not be mean like him."

"I can hear you dunce face."

He looks forward in fear and stops talking while Kirishima heads over to Bakugou to calm him down. You can hear him laughing, trying to lighten the mood of the angry blonde.  'He acts like a Chihuahua with rabies, but considering his actions at the sports festival, I'm not surprised.'

     Speaking of mood, the classroom is now buzzing with energy. It's loud, but more of a gentle loud. Rather than being focused on one person, it's spread out in six or seven side conversations. I look around the room to see who's friends with who. My eyes land on one specific person that's just sitting at his desk, looking bored.

I turn to Denki and Sero "Hey, why isn't he talking to anybody?"

"Oh... I don't know really, he doesn't talk much, both in class and at the dorms."

"Yeah, I don't think he really does socialization often." Denki says, trying to poke fun at the person of subject.

"Don't be so rude, he could be really lonely!" I say, gently hitting Denki on the head only to receive a tiny shock in return. I look down at the smirking Denki amused. "You jerk." 

"You liked it though."

I hit him again. "Don't be a pervert."

"Whaaat? I have no idea what you're talking about." He says innocently.

I push him towards Sero receiving another shock, this one stronger than before. "Here, you take him." I start to walk toward the back of the classroom.

"Where are you going??" The two boys question.

"To go meet other people, obviously." I turn around and continue to the desk of target.

"Hi there! I'm Y/n, It's nice to meet you!"

Word count: 628


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