31 3 2

     I hear many unfamiliar voices around me as I wake up from my much needed, but highly unwanted nap. Once I finally come to my senses, I realize that I'm most definitely not where I should be. I'm surrounded by thick yellow fabric, 'Wait are those schoolbooks?? They're huge! What in the world??' afraid, I frantically scratch at the zipper of whatever I'm in. My actions aren't in vain however, the zipper nudges open just enough for me to peek my nose out and get some cool, fresh air.

     I use my nose to push the zipper open farther, half in the bag, standing on a book, I quickly survey my surroundings. Suddenly, I sense eyes on me. 'Who?-'  the book underfoot wobbles, I panic and try to regain some form of balance. Once again on semi-stable ground, I continue to search for the disrespectful person that won't stop staring at me. 

     'Bingo!'  I lean forward to get a better look at who's still staring at me. The book under me tumbles forward due to the shift in weight and I'm flung face first onto the cold floor. ' Great, now even more people are staring at me. Nice going y/n, way to fuck it up.' Suddenly the rabbit instincts I'd been holding back kick into effect, I'm no longer in control of my actions. My eyes flick across the room, searching for a hiding place. Target acquired, large desk at the front of the room. GO, GO, GO!

"Hey! That's not Koda's rabbit, it's a different one!"

     I peek out from under the desk to see who was talking. Whoever it was had pink skin and hair, with little yellow horns on her head. ' Well she seems energetic.' 

     " Hey, can't you control your own damn rabbit?" I look to my right to see an ash blonde with fierce red eyes and an angry expression on his face. " You gonna answer me?? It's rude to not reply back when somebody speaks to you." 

"I-I, I can t-try, b-but she's really skittish. E-even I have a hard t-time controlling h-her."

The Pink Girl speaks again " Don't worry guys! I can get her out from under the desk."

"Me too!" I search around the room for the source of the new voice, but come to no avail. 'Wait, WHAT?? Ohhh no, oh nonono, I'd rather not thanks-'

     Suddenly, there's Pink girl, standing in front of the desk, next to a pair of shoes. Again my instincts scream.'NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE GET AWAY FROM MEEE!!!' I leap over the pair of shoes, only to be met with an invisible force. I fall onto my back and scamper away. 'Well that right there was definitely a wall'. 'Ok then, past the pink one I go!'

     I dash past Pink Girl's legs, swiftly maneuvering past her arms. ( That was a lie, she managed to touch me, but I got away) When I realize I'm back to square one. Out in the open with everybody in the room staring at me. 'Fucking fantastic.' once again I scan the room, looking for another place to hide. 

     My eyes fall on the seat in front of the person that picked me up this morning. Their bag was open wide, and it was big too. Definitely big enough for me to hide in.  I recognize who it is, but I can't recall a name. They had red spiky hair, and they were standing up, looking around the room confused, trying to figure out what they could do to help. My brain is too fuzzy right now, filled with instinctual fear and speed. 'This is why I never transform for too long. Serves me right for being so late I guess, now I'm making a fool of myself in front of all of class 1A. Great.'

     I dash past a guy with a tail and a guy with many arms, looking straight towards the bag and getting ready to dive in. Everybody is out of their seats now, trying to catch me. Some of them even lunge at me, arms outstretched. I swerve, missing one of them by a hair, and dive straight into the bag. I push myself as far in as I can go and turn to face the opening so I can see who's doing what.

     " Well, what do we do now?" the voice was very feminine, coming from where that ash blonde was sitting earlier. 

     "I'll handle it." that voice was close, way, way too close. My breathing quickens as I realize there's nowhere for me to go. I've trapped myself.

     I don't like the sound of that. I push myself as far against the back of the bag as my fluffy body will allow. Light is blocked from the front of the bag as somebody kneels down and reaches in. Their hand gently but firmly grasps my tiny body and I'm lifted out of the bag and into their arms. I struggle, but eventually give in as I realize my attempts at escape are futile. Instead I try to embrace their hold, snuggling myself into their arms.

"Dude, how did you do that?"

"I dunno Kamibro, I just kinda did it."

"Well at least somebody got that damn thing under control"

"That's pretty rude Bakubro, think about how the poor thing must've felt before you go insulting everybody."

"Yeah, you're always so mean, nobody's gonna like you if you keep acting that way!"

"Tch, whatever, you're still a fanboy"

     The person dubbed "Kamibro" gasps at the blonde's statement. Clearly offended, he huffs and sits back down, as does the rest of the class. Finally calm, I look up at the person holding me. 'Oh my god I wish I could scream right now.'

Word count: 956

     A/N-Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter! Sorry this took so long, Like I said, my upload schedule will probably be crazy trash for the first few chapters. Until I can get it into a schedule anyway. Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a stellar day/night! <3

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