26 2 2

     The person holding me- he was none other than THE Eijirou Kirishima. 'How in the world did I miss that??? HOW IN THE WORLD DID I MISS THAT??? Out of all the people I got picked up by it was Kirishima? Ohh my god how am I going to transform back?? Ugh this is going to be so weird when I go back to normal, what do I say? How should I introduce myself?? Should I transform into one of my prettier friends and just be them?? But that would be lying, I don't want to lie to-' Kirishima starts petting me, he seems to admire how soft my fur is.

"Hey, It's ok. calm down, you're going to be alright."

'it's very much not going to be alright, but thank you anyway. I guess I could bear being Maribell a bit longer as long as he's petting me.'

"Heeeyyyy, I never got your name." Kirishima turns to the seat behind him. "Hey Koda, you know what her name is?"

"Uh no, but you c-could name her if you want."

"Really? You don't mind??"

'I actually do mind, thanks for asking'

"No, I d-don't mind"

"Wow dude, thanks! That's such an honor.hmmmm, I think I'll name youuuu... Darling"

(A/N guess who gives which name If you can! :D)

"Dude no, name her sunshine."


"no, snuggles!"


"✨shimmer ✨"




'the most normal name so far at least'

"You guys are so dumb"

     Everybody stops as all eyes in the room turn to Bakugou.

"Well? You're going to call us dumb then you must have an idea or something."

"If you'd shut up I'd tell you. Stop acting so high and mighty."



The classroom erupts in laughter."Pfft Bakubro what the hell!? " 

     "YOU GOT A PROBLEM?? IT'S A PERFECTLY RESPECTABLE NAME." Bakugou quickly realizes that his tough boy act is getting him nowhere, he slumps down in his seat and puts his feet on the desk. I can hear him, but I don't think many other people can. "Stupid names, stupid classmates, stupid Shitty Hair, all of you are idiots."

"Anyway, even though all of you had great name suggestions, I'll still call her darling"

" Aww man, no fair. Then can we at least hold her?"

" I don't see why not, she's a lot calmer than before, but I think she's still pretty easy to spook, so just be gentle, ok?"

     A unanimous "yes" is heard throughout the classroom as Kirishima sets you down on the desk. ' Now's my chance, I can finally transform back to myself!' I jump down onto the floor and everybody looks at me and gets ready to chase me around the classroom. Even Kirishima looks a little concerned. 'Well this is one way to make an entrance I guess'

     I close my eyes, picture my normal form, and activate my quirk. I can already hear gasps around the room. Once the transformation is complete, I slowly open my eyes and move my hands down to my sides. 





     I slowly breathe in, it's time for introductions."Hey guys! Sorry for the late introduction, and all the chaos I caused. I couldn't figure out when to break the news to you all. I'm y/n l/n, but you guys can just call me y/n. I've seen you all on TV during the sports festival. You guys are so cool! I hate to say it but I'm kind of a really big fan!! It's so exciting to be here in the classroom with you all right now!!" I'm practically leaking energy into the room, even though I'm exhausted from being in another form for so long, I can't help but fangirl right now. Everybody in the room seems to be picking up on the energy too.

"Oh my goodness girl, your eyes are so pretty!"

    "Not just her eyes..." I fearfully turn to the side of the room that voice came from, that tone is one I'd rather not have another experience with. I see a short person with what looks like huge grapes on his head. "Hey hot stuff, I'm Mineta."

     All of the girls, and even some of the guys in the room take note of my behavior and the comment made by Mineta. As the girls of the class move towards him, I slowly back away from him, accidentally bumping into whoever's behind me, causing us both to fall.

"Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry. I should've watched where I was going, please forgive me, I'm so sorry!"

"Oh it's ok, don't worry about it Darling." 

A/N - AAAND that concludes another chapter, sorry it's so short but I JUST HAD TO POST IT OK?? Thank you so much for reading, have a stellar day or night! <3

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