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     I look up at the person I knocked over. 'I'll ask again, but how can today be any more embarrassing? Like honestly, I wish I stayed home. Well, actually no because then I wouldn't have gotten to meet all these people but..'

"Ugggghhh, today is so stupid."

"Why do you say that Darling?" Kirishima asks with an airy tone and an amused look on his face.

"I'd tell you, but I don't want to put a damper on your mood. I'm sure you're getting a real kick out of this whole situation." I say as I take his hand and lift myself off of the ground.

"Nah, you're fine Darling, don't worry about me."

"Pfft, well you clearly don't know me very well. Worrying is a part of who I am, didn't you see how nervous I was at the practical exam?" A gentle laugh escapes my lips as I realize he probably didn't even remember talking to me.

" Wait what?? You applied to UA? Why didn't you get in? You have such an amazing quirk!"

"Yeah, I applied. I actually was in the same practical exam section as you. Not surprised you didn't recognize me, nobody ever does." My eyes fall to the ground next to Kirishima for a moment, when I realize that I'm probably making him feel worse about the whole situation. I immediately snap my head upwards to make eye contact again. 'God why is eye contact so scary once you think about it?' 

"Either way, that's besides the point. It's best to not dwell on the past and look forwards to the future!" I say, plastering a bright smile on to my face.

"Yeah!" Kirishima says, putting his knuckles together and hardening his hands. 

     I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see who it was and what they wanted.

"Oh, hey Denki! What's up?"

"Nothing much, me and the class wanted to ask you a few questions if that's ok."

"Yeah, sure! It's only fair that you guys get to know me a little better. Especially after all the trouble I caused." I move my eyes up to meet his. "Sorry about that."

"Don't be sorry! Today's been like, ssuuuuuuper boring. You were just what we needed to get things hyped up in here!" Denki says energetically as he takes my hand and leads me to the front of the classroom. We reach the front desk and he tells me to stand and face the class. He then runs in front of the desk and stands with everybody else, giving me a thumbs up.

"Uhhm ok, so uh.. what did you guys want to ask me?"

     The room explodes with sound, 19 voices all mixing together in a chaotic discord. I duck under the desk. Funny how I was in the exact same spot mere minutes ago. I lean on the corner part of the desk, wishing I had Hagakure's quirk as I hide my face in my arms, trying to drown out the chatter of the eager students behind me. I hear a few words of concern, a few of annoyance, and a few of ignorance. 'God today is such a mess, please just take me home.'

     I feel my breath hitch

'No, not now. Please not now, not here.'

     Tears slip out of the corners of my eyes and I duck further into my own embrace. I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder.

"Go a-away." 'God I can't even talk right now. Not only am I unable to communicate, but I probably look terrible too.'

"Nope, sorry, can't do that."

     It's Kirishima. He gets down under the desk and sits cross-legged next to me. I see figures behind him too. I can't tell who they are though, my arms are still covering my face. Hey, at least if I can't tell who they are they probably can't see my face.

"Yeah, what kind of people would we be if we just left you here? Woah are you ok? You're crying."

     The person's voice, who I recognized to be Denki's, got louder as he too knelt down and crawled under the desk with me. I turn my face away from theirs and remove my makeshift arm-shield, wiping tears from my cheeks. My breath is still hitching but not nearly as bad as before. I still can't face them, and it's still hard to speak, but I'm in a much better condition than before.

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry but I just.." My breath hitches again, god I'm such a bad crier " too many people..."

"Oh...That makes sense." The yellow-blonde says. " I didn't even think of that."

"Heeeeyyyy! What if we introduced ourselves to you? Maybe then you'd feel more comfortable. Plus you'd know more about us than our combat skills. You would actually get to meet us!"

"That would b-be nice, can I just have a minute to collect myself?"

"Yeah of course!"

"Yeah dude no problem! Anything for a stellar person like you!" Denki smiles warmly and winks at me.

'Well great, now I'm a crying, blushing, red faced mess. The two coolest guys in UA like me as a friend and I'm about to be introduced to all of class 1A. No biggie.'

'No biggie at all.'...

'...Who am I kidding?'

     I turn myself from the corner I was hiding in so they could hear me better."Waaaaiit." The two friends turn around and look under the desk. " Yeah y/n?" "Can you sit with me for a while? Pleeeaaasse?" "Ok, that's easy enough!" "Sure Darling!" The two retreat back under the desk with me, with Kaminari in between me and Kirishima. "Y'know, you're pretty clingy for somebody we just met less than an hour ago."

"O-oh, um yeah, I guess I am. Sorry "

     Denki laughs "God you're such a downer. I was only kidding. You should've seen the look on your face, it was hilarious!"

     I stare at him dumbfounded. "Oh, sorry.."

     Kaminari bursts into laughter, Kirishima just looks at him with a 'this bitch is both funny and insanely idiotic at the same time' kind of grin.

     Bakugou speaks from in front of the desk, crouching down and leaning into the area under the desk, looking me dead in the eyes."Hey Hoppy, here you gotta learn to not say sorry to people. It's not going to get you anywhere. Plus these idiots are so soft you could hurt them with a verbal pillow." He says, gesturing to the room around us. "If you go around apologizing to everybody you'd spend half your day saying sorry."

"Wow Bakubro, I didn't know you could be so nice yet aggressive at the same time."

"Yea dude, way to go! Being inspirational to the newbie."

"SHUT IT PIKA AND HAIR FOR BRAINS." He shouts, going to stand and hitting his head on the desk. Hard.

     Bakugou shouts a few more profanities at the desk, then stomps off to his seat.

"Hey, your face has cleared up! You ready to go meet everybody?" Kirishima says looking at me with a grin."

"Hell yeah I am, let's do this!"




Word Count :1147

A/N Another chapter is outtt!! Still trying to get a secure upload schedule, sorry about that. qwp Anyways thank you so much for reading and have a stellar day or night my stars! (by the way if you enjoyed reading feel free to leave a comment or a vote, it would make my day!) See you in the next chapter, things are about to get fUnkY!

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