As a child, Adeline Brugsby was born and raised in North Little Rock, Arkansas. She enjoyed time by playing Polly Pockets and Barbies with her older and younger sister. Adeline was the second daughter of three. Her parents were pastors and made sure to teach their children how to live for the Lord.
Later on, the Brugsby family had a boy and a few years later, decided to adopt a younger boy. Being a pastor's kid meant being at church quite a lot for Adeline. Church was her home away from home. She grew up falling asleep on the rows of chairs as she also grew to love dance. Dancing as a way to give thanks to the Lord was a very important aspect of the church that the Brugsby's pastored. Adeline soon became extremely passionate about dance and the more practice she had, the better she got. Her hard work allowed her to becoming the leader of the dance team at the church.
Interestingly enough, all of the Brugsby children were homeschooled from the time they could walk. Every Tuesday, they would go to a co-op where they made many friends.
Fast forward about 12 years, Adeline has graduated high school and is going to college. The University of Central Arkansas was soon to award Adeline with a Bachelor degree in Art. She loved learning and was excited for what her future would hold. But little did she know, God had more than she could imagine in store for her in her near future. Adeline trusted in the Lord's timing and with this, her near future was closer than she expected.