Chapter 3

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University of Central Arkansas is where Jayden got accepted to. He didn't choose this school just because his parents graduated from there but also because it was close to home and he hated driving.
     It's almost summer and Adeline is about to finish her sophomore year of College. There's only two more semesters until she graduates. She just has to survive finals week first.
     While walking to the car to head home from school, Adeline got to a crosswalk. She pressed the button and waited patiently for the little black box to say it was safe to cross the street. Even with the help of the black box, drivers would still speed to pass the yellow light before it turned red and would almost hit students crossing the street. Adeline knew this from experience.
      The little man showed up in the black box and Adeline started walking. She passed by a young man walking to school, he looked very familiar to Adeline. Adeline ignored it and went to her car. She sat there thinking of where she had seen that young handsome man before. She had to know or it was going to be on her mind all day.
       In freshman year of college, Adeline helped a few teachers at co-op with classes; one of them including her little sister's class. During those times, she would always remember a young boy who, every week, would introduce himself as if he was an agent from accounting. Adeline was then reminded that this boy has an older brother that she didn't know much about. His mother taught her class as a substitute teacher back in high school and refused to let Adeline use the bathroom during class. She relived this moment in her mind and suddenly was reminded of who the guy was that she passed by.

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