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Two days.

Two days had passed since Blisse went missing and he knew the last place he saw her was in the garden with Konstantin. That Russian billionaire he hated so much for stealing his girl. But it's not like Blisse was ever going to notice his feelings for her.

She was only interested in sex, but he wanted a real relationship.

He was pretty sure even in the mafia knew about his big crush. Hell, even Rhea tried to get Blisse to notice him in a new light, but she was so damn stubborn.

He set his glass of wine down next to his laptop and sighed. "Maybe I should just give up."

He wanted her as a girlfriend. He wanted her as a wife. He wanted them to have children and grow old together, but she was only interesting in sex.

Angry sex, make-up sex, forget-it sex, stressful sex, and all that jazz. When was she going to wake up and realize that other relationships beyond that exist? He could only put up with it for so long. What was the point of making himself suffer? It was decided; he wasn't going to be doing that anymore.

A knock sounded at the door to his room and Faron shouted for the person to come in. Jacinto walked in with a tablet and with Anastasia, Konstantin's sister, right behind him who held a tablet as well. The two sat next to Faron's desk, their faces showing no emotion.

Well, Jacinto was breaking out in a sweat a little.

He cleared his throat and handed Faron his tablet. "Anastasia remembered installing security cameras in Konstantin's garden a couple days ago for safe measure, so she was able to get a good look at the guy who kidnapped Blisse."

Anastasia sat up in her chair and also handed Faron her tablet. "I was also able to unlock an email sent to her from Konstantin's tablet. Looks like Ruvim was planning to meet Blisse somewhere."

Faron double checked Jacinto's tablet to make sure the person on the screen wasn't the same person he's had an issue with ever since they were kids. But, unfortunately, it was.


He groaned. "Thanks for the help, Anastasia, but do you think you can use your cameras to find which direction he went?"

"Of course. I can hack into the other cameras to find the vehicle. I have to warn you though that once he gets further and further away from the city it's going to be hard since he would most likely have her in a remote area."

Jacinto sighed in adoration. "Isn't she smart? I'm attracted to smart girls."

Anastasia raised one of her eyebrows at him, indicating that she wasn't falling for his charms. "I have a boyfriend, dumbass."

"I heareth nor see eth said boyfriend."

"Does Konstantin even know that Blisse is missing?" Faron interrupted.

"My cherry is missing?" A voice interrupted from the door. Konstantin stood there dressed in his signature black suit. His tie was loosened and his hair looked as if he had run his hand through it a thousand times. He looked like he hadn't slept at all judging by the deep dark circles under his eyes.

"My goodness, Kon," Anastasia exclaimed, strolling over to stand in front of him. "Have you not been taking care of yourself?"

"Better question is," Jacinto disrupted. "How are you now noticing that Blisse is missing? Aren't y'all sort of together?"

Jealousy struck Faron right in the ribs, causing him to clench his fists.

Konstantin seemed to notice based on the ghost of the obnoxious, smug look on his face. "I've been busy working on a side project with my father so I was a little occupied."

"You couldn't call her to check in on her" Faron asked.

Konstantin seethed, exhaling sharp air out of his nose. "As I said, I was occupied with a project."

This man doesn't even know how a relationship works.

"Anyway," he continued. "Now that I know my cherry is missing and I'm available to help, let's get down to business. I'm assuming since Anastasia is here it means you were able to find the person who did it."

"Obviously," Faron muttered. "And we don't need your help seeing as your project is worth a lot more than saving Blisse."

"I can provide a lot more help than you realize. I have connections."

Faron stepped closer to him, meeting him eye to eye. "Then why don't you use those connections to find out where the Blisse's parents' murderer is."

Anastasia's head shot up at the mention of the murderer. "Are you talking about Salma and Keyton Neves? I've heard about their murder. It's actually very easy to find out who did it. I can track down the killer for you by the end of this week."

"No, no." Konstantin grabbed his sister's hand and started dragging her out of the room. "Blisse handed the task to me to deal with. We don't need your help, Anastasia."

The siblings shared a look. It seemed as if they were communicating in their heads.

Jacinto leaned in to whisper in Faron's ear. "Why do I get the feeling that he's stalling on finding the killer?"

Faron thought that too and he had come to the final conclusion that something wasn't right about him.

His whole persona screamed "Don't Trust".

Anastasia rolled her eyes in frustration. She wasn't going to get through with him. "Well, if you guys ever change your minds I'll be here. I'll let you know once I find Blisse's location." With those words towards Jacinto and Faron, she left the room not before shooting another glare in her brother's direction.

Konstantin didn't seem to notice, and if he did he didn't give off a sign that he cared as he turned to address the two men. "As I said, Blisse handed the task to me so I'll find the killer. No need to go to my sister. And I would also like to thank you for having your soldiers guard my clubs. It appears the number of attacks and enemies have reduced drastically."

"You're not going to ask about Blisse," Faron stated though it came out more as a question.

Konstantin sighed. "I do care about my cherry, but seeing as you don't want my help, I trust that you two along with my sister will find her in no time. I must take my leave now to continue working on my project. Let me know when you find Blisse."

As she turned to leave, Faron and Jacinto shared a look.

That man did not care about Blisse as much as he should.

Not at all.


1k views!!! holy snoozeballs!!! thank you guys so much for reading my story. this is just amazing. i can die happy now.

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