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AH, YES! Ha.....faster!"

Blisse smirked as she sat outside the bedroom where the sounds of hot, wild sex were coming from. Sounded like her underboss, Faron, was getting the treat he'd been begging for. The girl he was currently having sex, had information on the Italian mafia, who have been up Blisse's ass for weeks.

The leader, Ciro, called for a meeting with Blisse to discuss an alliance. He figured the two highest leaders should band together to knock out the competition. Blisse knew that she hadn't made any enemies in the past two years of her leadership, so she knew he was talking about his enemies. Plus, she knew he just wanted to gain her trust so he could get her into bed and take over her mafia. Too bad for him, her mafia could survive without an alliance. Sure, the only reason Faron was having sex with Ciro's sister, at the moment was to gain information about the Italian mafia's loopholes, but Blisse also assumed that the girl would know about the murder of her parents. She knew she should've tortured the girl instead; the sound of her moaning was driving her mad.

"If she doesn't stop, I'll put a bullet in her head," she grumbled to herself as she grabbed her gun and made her way inside the bedroom.

The scent of sweat immediately greeted her as she walked towards the dark half of the large bedroom and sat on the couch, watching the couple pound at each other on the bed. The girl's back was arched, her hands wandering over her small breasts and making their way towards her glistening clit, where Faron's shaft was currently pounding into. Although the girl's screeching moaning was killing Blisse's ears, she couldn't blame her for moaning so much. Faron had the most monstrous shaft she had ever seen.

She snapped her fingers, causing Faron to look up from the girl's body towards her figure on the couch. He nodded once before grabbing the girl's neck harshly and pulling out of her. His shaft, still pounding hard, was leaking droplets onto her body.

"We need to talk," he said, slipping on his boxers and grabbing a cigarette on the bedside table.

"Can't we talk after we finish?" the girl asked, watching him light the cigarette. "I haven't finished yet."

Faron wrapped his hand around the girl's neck again, squeezing slightly for effect. "Listen, little girl! You don't have a say here, so don't give me any whining bullshit!"

Once the girl with wide eyes nodded, Faron smiled and let her neck go. He grabbed his jeans and put them on as he started his interrogation. "Are there any loopholes in your brother's mafia?"

"What do you mean?"

"Answer the question."

The girl bit her lip. "My brother's security system isn't as tight as it seems. His online shipments aren't as secure, so sometimes he likes to make exchanges in person."

"Where does he make them?"

"In Italy, but I heard he's been making the recent shipments in Brazil. He doesn't want any enemies to catch up to him."

"There's another reason you're not telling me."

The girl stroked her hair as she pursued her lips. "He wants your mafia. He's been trying to find someone gullible in your mafia to give him the ins and outs of your security, so he hopes by making exchanges here he can find someone who will do the job."

Of course, Blisse thought. Typical Ciro.

Faron crossed his arms, nodding. "Has he murdered anyone from Brazil?"

"No, he knows your mafia will strike if he dared do that."

"Well, that wasn't as much useful information, but thanks for the help," Blisse said as she walked up to the girl on the bed.

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