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Three months later


"I have a lead on where Blisse is."

Faron looked up from his laptop to Anastasia, who stood in front of him with a huge smile plastered on her face. It's been three months since Blisse was captured and Faron had to take over the mafia until her safe return, but it was starting to take a toll on him. She never took so long to escape a kidnapper, so three months was worrying.

After everyone in the mansion found out about Blisse's kidnapping, they gave Konstantin the cold shoulder. Faron stopped sending the soldiers to guard his clubs so the crimes have started again. Konstantin, of course, was furious about this and constantly reminded the mafia about the contract. Faron could still remember the conversation between him and the Russian.

"We had a deal," Konstantin once again reminded him. "Your boss even signed the contract, remember? Until her services are no longer needed."

"You mean until you kill her off," Faron corrected, crossing his arms.

Konstantin gritted his teeth. "The contract." He forcibly handed it to him. "There's no backing out of this."

Faron quickly skimmed through the paper in his hands, looking for any loopholes in the terms or any Blisse may have subtly left behind. Almost giving up, he sighed, but did a double take when he noticed Blisse's signature at the bottom. He let out a humorless laugh, drawing Konstantin's attention.

"Why are you laughing?" Konstantin asked. "You do realize you have no way out of these terms, right?"

Faron shook his head, silently sending his thanks to Blisse in his head. "We would have to follow these terms if Blisse used her real signature."

Silence. Then, "What?"

Faron picked up the contract, held it up to Konstantin's face and pointed to the signature at the bottom. "This is not Blisse's real signature. She only uses a fake one when she knows she can't trust the person she's forming an alliance with."

Konstantin snatced the paper out of his hands and inspected the signature as Faron continued on. "Anyone who knows Blisse knows her real signature so don't bother going around telling people she agreed to this. You lost the minute you called for us in Brazil."

With those words, Faron left the room, leaving the raging Russian in his living room of ruin.

"Where is she?" Faron now asked Anastasia.

She sat in the chair beside him and pulled up a map on her tablet. She pointed to a deserted location only surrounded by trees and land. No stores or other buildings were nearby.

"He's been holding her captive here," Anastasia told him. "I had to hack into the cameras and it could only go as far as the end of the city before the next town. I think he was planning to dump her body there when he was done with his games since almost no one travels to this deserted town."

"Does he know you found her?"

"Well actually I haven't seen him for a couple days. He's probably at the house right now, so we need to leave now before it's too late."


Faron, Jacinto, and a few of the soldiers stood in front of the old house. It was small with almost no windows, but the windows that were there were boarded up. The front door was slightly detached from the hinges and the walls were slowly losing its color. The inside of the house was no better. The floorboards creaked with each step the group took. There was no furniture or anything except for a few car tools on a single table. Blood also coated the walls.

God, I hope that's not Blisse's, Faron thought.

The group walked further into the house, passed the living room and stopped when they saw the bloody sight in front of them. Dead bodies were piled up in the dining room. Some hung from the ceiling, others nailed to the walls, but most of them were piled up on the table and the floors. Blood coated the whole room as well as some body parts like hearts and eyes, the bodies dismembered in the most horrific ways.

Jacinto breathed a sigh of horror. "This has Blisse written all over it."

Suddenly, a ding sounded from a door two rooms down from the dining room. Strolling to the door in hush steps, the group stopped and took a second to breathe before wandering in. And there she was sitting on her throne.

Bloody, dismembered bodies everywhere, and Blisse sat in the middle of it all, smoking a cigarette. She was covered in blood from head to toe, but she didn't seem to mind. Her once black clothes now red and soaked with the blood of her enemies.

Faron stepped forward, opened his mouth to say something until she interrupted. "Where's Jacinto?" Her voice no longer sounded like hers. Instead it was darker.

Jacinto cautiously stepped forward. "Blisse? How are you doing? I'm so glad we-"

The next moment Blisse shot him in the head and his body dropped forward to the ground. The group gaped at her but she paid them no mind, and instead spoke out. "He was working for Konstantin."

With those words, she stood up and walked out of the room. Faron quickly followed behind her and asked the question everyone had been wondering. "Where's Konstantin and his father?"

Blisse paused in her steps and sighed, but nonetheless led the group to the backyard. In the middle of the backyard, they found Daniil in a gruesome sight: head chopped off, heart taken out, and his intestines gushing out from his now dismembered waist. Konstantin was in no better shape; his legs sprawled out in front of a saw machine cut into pieces and his head and plucked-out eyeballs were in a bucket.

"Holy hell," some of the soldiers in the back breathed out.

Faron turned to Blisse to keep his sight away from the dismembered men to his queen, happy to have her back right in front of him. "I'm so glad you're ok. What do you wanna do now?"

She stared off into the distance, and surprisingly there was a sign of warmth in her eyes as she took his hands in hers and squeezed tightly. "I don't know, but whatever it is, I want you to be there with me."

Faron smiled and gently wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "For now and forever?"

"For now and forever; until you get sick of me."


it's finally over! thank goodness cause my brain couldn't handle it anymore lol.

i'm going to be honest I don't like how the story carried out from chapter 10. I got so lazy and writer's block was just kicking me so hard in the butt but I tried. However, I did have this ending in mind when I first started this story. 

anyways, thank you guys so much for reading my book and sticking with me through it. i love you all!

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