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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me," Blisse whispered into the dark bedroom when the clock on the nightstand struck midnight. She lay on Faron's naked chest, listening to the sounds of nature that creeped into the night. Faron played with her hair, twisting several strands around his finger, then releasing them and doing it again. He took her on a picnic earlier that day to celebrate her 19th birthday. Even though she never liked celebrating her birthday, he wanted to do something special to lift up her spirits.

"Happy birthday, my little viper," he whispered to her. He gently placed a kiss on the top of her head, calming her troubling mind.

"I could stay here forever," she stated. 12:01 a.m. the clock read. In a few hours she would have to gather everyone up to get ready for their trip to Russia.

"I agree," he said, "but let's get some sleep. I don't want you to be cranky when we get up to leave."

After switching positions, ending up with Faron spooning her, Blisse finally felt at peace, but questions in her head still lingered. Why would a Russian billionaire want to meet with her?

"Go to sleep," Faron grumbled from behind her. He snuggled closer to her back, and placed his head in the crook of her neck.

Chuckling softly, Blisse finally closed her eyes, and let sleep drag her under.

"Konstantin Volkov. He's the youngest billionaire in Russia. He owns strip clubs, night clubs, and casinos that are stationed worldwide. He has a younger brother and sister who currently live with him in Russia, and a mother who lives in America." Faron squinted as he explored the slide presentation on his computer. "I'm surprised he's not a playboy. No news of him with any girls."

Most likely keeps them in secret, Blisse thought.

"He's probably gay," Jacinto whispered to Dihro, one of the mafia's soldiers.

Dihro shook his head and crossed his arms, leaning back slightly in his chair. Then turning his attention to Faron, he asked, "What does he want from us?"

"We don't know," Faron answered. "The man just told me that we should meet up with him in Moscow, Russia. All I have is an address to Volkov's mansion. What do you think we should do, boss?"

Blisse stared at her laptop, the information about Konstantin Volkov was pulled up. The man didn't have a suspicious background, however, she knew there was more to him than meets the eye. He appeared to stay out of the spotlight a lot, and he had no family, or at least that's what he told the paparazzi. What use could he be to her? If he needed help, she needed something else in return. She didn't always take propositions for free.

She closed her laptop and stood up, immediately attracting Faron to her side. "Pack your shit. We'll be leaving for Russia in an hour."

"Welcome to Moscow, Russia." Dimitri, the Russian messenger Faron met at the store, had insisted on meeting up with them as soon as the mafia touched down at the airport. He wore all black attire, the shade blending in with the black limo that was parked behind him. Another limo was parked behind the first one to carry Blisse's soldiers. Only the important members accompanied her to Russia: Faron, Jacinto, Dihro, and a few soldiers. Her third in command, Eloa, took care of the rest of the mafia back home since Faron came with Blisse.

"Mr. Volkov has prepared a party for you all," Dimitri informed them as he drove the limo away from the airport. "He wishes to celebrate the arrival of the number one mafia in the world, however, if you all are in need of rest, he will reschedule."

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