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Warning: sexual content

IS THAT the Dark Viper I see? What brings you to Russia?" Blisse looked up from her phone to find Irina, a sister to a close friend of hers from Spain, standing in front of her with her hands placed upon her hips. A smile brightened her face as she gracefully sat upon Blisse's thigh.

One thing Blisse learned about Konstantin's club was that it never died down. She left the club a couple minutes after gaining Konstantin's access codes, only to return the next day, early in the morning to discover the club still buzzing with energy. Couples were still having sex everywhere, people were still drinking and dancing, and strippers were still dancing on the poles.

"I'm just here for work," she told Irina, who had rested her head on Blisse's shoulder. "But the question is, why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Spain with your sister?"

Irina rolled her eyes and scooted off Blisse's lap to sit next to her. "Rhea? She had some business to do with some Russian playboy so we'll be here for a few days. But while she's gone, how about we-"

"Blisse is that you?" Both women turned towards the top female billionaire in Spain, who strolled towards them in long strides with her long, tan legs. Her light brown hair shined bright in the club's lights. Her smooth airbrushed skin glistened and stood out in her clothing attire which consisted of a black bralette paired with a burgundy skater skirt with attached chains and a pair of white sandals. She didn't normally dress revealing, but it appeared she wanted to hypnotize men and women today.

"Long time, no see," Blisse announced, greeting her closest friend with a hug and a kiss to the lips.

Blisse and Rhea's chemistry went way back. Back to the days when their parents ruled their empires. Despite living in different countries, the girls grew up together, forming a connection that no one could ever break. They were often considered as sisters by how close they appeared to be, but deep down they knew they were something more, so at the age of sixteen Blisse made the first move, kissing her best friend on the lips on the evening of Rhea's birthday. Ever since they've been closer than ever. They became lovers.

"Hello, I'm still here." Irina declared from behind the couple. They always knew that Irina felt left out when they were both in the same room, but they couldn't deny the intense sexual attraction between them that often clouded their awareness of their surroundings. Rhea always suspected that Irina had a crush on the Brazilian mafia boss since forever, but never had the guts to confess her feelings.

"Sorry, sis, but you know I can't resist my Dark Viper. I've missed you so much, babe, you have no idea how hard it's been without you." Rhea wrapped her legs around Blisse's waist and trailed her fingers down her gigantic breasts. "By the way, I'm expecting a customer to come by my building to collect some documents. Can you fill in for me?"

Irina scoffed and left the club, but neither women paid attention as Rhea started to trail kisses down Blisse's neck and inserted her hand into her skirt. "Let's go somewhere more quiet, my queen," Blisse whispered to her.

She dragged her lover out of the club and into one of the cars she took from Konstantin's garage. As she started driving, she grabbed a large glass dildo from her black bag and trailed it over Rhea's thong covered clit. "Take off all of your clothes. I want the world to see you."

"As you wish." Rhea quickly took off her clothing attire, but left her sandals on as she settled comfortably in the passenger seat, reclining her chair so she could rest her legs on the dashboard.

Blisse circled her clit with the dildo, pushing against her warmth as she continued to circle it again. Rhea reached up to pinch her nipples that stood up in attention as she watched the dildo against her clit create a pool of pleasure and juices in their wake. She let out a whimper as the dildo finally entered her warmth in rapid movements, leaving her panting for breath.

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