Decepticon Justice Devision comes to Visit

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*Y/n's POV*

Y/n was woken up later that night when she hears the door, to her temporary room at Tarantulas's lab, open and then close. She was now half-asleep. "Who's there?"

"Oh I'm sorry, dearie. Did I wake you?" Nickle asks as she pushes a chair up to the bed so she could sit next to Y/n. Nickle was short in appearance in her human form. She had slightly wrinkled skin and long gray hair. She had eyes that were a mixed color of blue and silver. Her clothes were blue and white. She had on a white sweater and blue jeans. She spoke with a slight Jamaican accent. "You had us all worried."

"I'm sorry, Nickle. I didn't know this was going to happen."

"It's okay. The others will be coming here soon. I just decided to get here first before everyone else," said Nickle with a laugh. Despite her kind appearance, Nickle was known to do field medical procedures if needed. She once had to operate on Tarn in a middle of battle when he needed a new T-Cog.

"So Vos, Kaon, Helex, Tesarus, and The Pet will be coming here?"

"Yes they are."

"Why are they bringing The Pet? He doesn't even like me very well. Last time he had seen me, he tried to bite my leg off!"

"If I recall that day correctly, you grabbed the biggest frying pan from Tarn's kitchen and chased The Pet through the house, scaring both Vos and Kaon out of the house. That was during the first week you were living there."

"It was either let that rabid Turbofox kill me by ripping out my heart or I kill it."

"We've made mistakes. We just didn't expect the Pet to try and kill you."

Y/n hoped that they were not going to bring The Pet. After about another thirty minutes, she and Nickle hear a commotion from down the hall. A few minutes later Helex, Kaon, Vos, and Tesarus come into the room. The Pet was not with them.

Vos, who wore a face mask over half his face, was hiding a horrifying secret. One in which Y/n never wished to see again, for she had seen what he had hidden beneath his mask in his Robot Mode once, which was the stuff of nightmares. He wore a black t-shirt and orange pants. He wore a leather jacket and had red sun glasses on. His short black hair was always on the unkempt side. When he needed to speak to Y/n, he would write things down on a note pad since she couldn't understand Old Cybertronion, aka Primal Vernacular.

Kaon, in his Alt Mode, is a living electric chair. In his human form, he always seen wearing sunglasses, even if he was inside someplace. He wears an orange and red leather jacket, black pants, and a white shirt. His short brown hair usually stood on end a bit because of static electricity. Y/n always had to be careful when she would walk near Kaon since any static cling he'd pick up walking around the house would end up giving her a zap. Tarn had made him use up any electricity if Kaon wanted to hang out with Y/n.

Helex, the living blast furnace and smelting pot, he was a pretty big guy even in his human form. He stood a good foot and a half taller than Tarn and he had to bend down in order to get through any doorway. He usually wore shirts and jeans that had holes in them, mainly because his body temperature weakened the thread holding the fabric together. During Y/n's stay at their home, Tarn made Helex control his high body temperature so Y/n could live comfortably.

Tesarus, another big guy in size in either Robot Mode or in his human form, is a living shredder. His chest cavity houses blades that tears up those unfortunate enough to be put in. Normally keeps to himself and complains about medical check-ups, knows better than to tell any stories about their jobs hunting down renegades or deserters, that were at one point, on the List. He ended up giving Y/n night terrors during her first month staying in their home. Tarn was not happy about the situation it caused.

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