Choose your Battles

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*Y/n's POV*

Y/n heads into the mall with Rampage following after her. "I've got an idea to which stores where we can buy your clothes from," said Y/n.

"Which stores do you have in mind?" Rampage asks.

"Abercrombie and Finch for pants. I find those to be longer lasting. And American Eagle for shirts."

"Those stores can be expensive. Are you sure you have enough to buy what we need today?"

Y/n pulls out her phone and shows Rampage the number she had showing her bank account.

Rampage takes Y/n's phone to see the amount in her bank account. His eyes widen in surprise. "Please tell me I'm drunk and seeing things." He stares at her phone for a few more minutes before handing it back to her.

"It's no lie."

"So somehow you are loaded and yet, from what Tarn told me, you are working at a greenhouse. How do you even have that much?!"

"Tarn," answers Y/n with a smirk. "He wanted to make sure that we got what was needed to make sure you were settled."

"Let's just get this shopping spree over with."

Y/n heads off towards where Abercrombie and Finch was. She wanted to get this shopping spree over as much as Rampage but it had to be done. She walks into the store and was greeted by the smell of the jeans. Y/n planned on buying a few pairs as well. She goes over to where she knew her size was and started looking for the style of jeans she wanted to buy.

Rampage walks into the store. He could smell Y/n's curiosity. It smelled like butter cookies. Bland tasting. He hated bland tasting. He decided to look around and see what he wanted to wear. Rampage eventually picks out eight pairs of jeans and brings them to the checkout, waiting for Y/n.

"Got quite the hall there," said the employee beind the register.

"Just moved here and my friends thought it would be funny if I didn't have any pants," said Rampage lying. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the employee watching Y/n.

"Is she yours?"

"To a sense. We haven't made it official."

"If it doesn't work out between you two, I could take her off your hands."

*Rampage's POV*

Rampage had to restrain himself from punching the guy square in the face. "I'd hate to tell you, bud. But she has a type and that type is me," said Rampage. He looks the guy dead in the eyes, causing the poor dude to back away. Fear, there it was. Humans always had it in some way shape or form. This guy's fear smelled bitter. Not a good flavor when it came to fear. Rampage preferred the taste of Y/n's fear more.

Y/n eventually makes it to the register and pays for the jeans. She, with Rampage's help, takes the jeans out to her Jeep before coming back inside to shop at American Eagle. She waits for Rampage to choose what he needed for his shirts. Afterwards he runs the purchases out to Y/n's Jeep while she heads to Hot Topic. He waits by the door at Hot Topic for her, smelling whatever emotion of hers his spark picks up. It wasn't long before he smells distress which soon turns to fear. And not the fear of hers he enjoyed tasting. Rampage heads to the back to see what the problem was and sees some guy was talking to Y/n. From how she acted, the person wasn't someone she wanted to talk to.

Rampage walks up to the guy and taps him on the shoulder.

The guy turns around. "Is there a problem?"

"Yeah. You're scaring my date," growls Rampage.

"Your date?!" The guy looks at Rampage and back at Y/n. "Wow Y/n you work quick. We only had our first date just the other day and then you ditched me!"

"Ditched him? Y/n what happened?"

"This is Ben, Rampage. He was my date the night you came over. I ditched him because..." Y/n refused to finish her sentence.

There was the fear again but it wasnnt what Rampage enjoyed. Different people had different tasting fear to him, kinda like an aged wine. To him, Y/n's fear taste best and yet he couldn't figure out why. But he planned on to find out. "How about you back off from the kid. You can clearly tell she doesn't want to talk to you or even be near you."

"She owes me a second date. She owes me...."

The employee walks to the back to confront the situation. "Is there a problem?" The guy asks.

"No problem at all, sir," said Ben.

Sour tasting lies and Rampage already had enough of Ben's attitude. "This guy here was harassing my girlfriend. I told him to back off but he wouldn't listen."

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Ben gives the employee the finger before walking out of Hot Topic.

"Remind me to give Tarn a call so he can help me put a restraining order on Ben."

"Okay then but once we are done here you owe me an explanation." Rampage keeps an eye on Y/n while she buys what she wanted from Hot Topic. They were having a special where you could buy what you can stuff into one of their backpacks for half off. Y/n made a good haul that day. As they were leaving the mall, Y/n hands Rampage they keys to her Jeep.

"Mind driving us home? I done feel like having an episode while driving."

After ten minutes, Rampage and Y/n were back on the road. Rampage was beind the wheel driving instead of Y/n. "Now tell me what do you mean by episodes," said Rampage as he changes lanes.

"I still, on occasions after a stressful situation, deal with flashbacks of what Shockwave had done to me. If I didn't have to deal with Ben, I would have been fine."

"No what I meant to ask what's the deal with Ben?"

"He was my date the night you first arrived at my home..." Y/n fidgeting a bit with the plush of Pikachu she got at Hot Topic before speaking again. "I had to bail out on the date since all he could talk about was taking me back to his apartment and fucking me. It was only the first date and he was already talking about those things. I blocked his number, deleted Zoosk off my phone, and unscicribed from their email list. I'm not using another dating app or website for dating ever again." She takes off her jacket and looks at her arm. "At least this guy didn't ask me to use my arm to break into people's houses."

"There will always be men like Ben who would rather go with a one-night stand than get to know a girl. As for me I'd rather avoid being with anyone all together. There was only one person in my life that mattered to me and she's dead. Not even going to bother to tell you since it's not even any info you need to know."

"Fine by me. By the way, we will go to Walmart later tonight to avoid the crowds."

"Fine by me, kid," said Rampage. He turns off street and drives towards Y/n's home. He still planned on giving Y/n a good scare sometime soon.

Helping a Heart Become Whole (Beast Wars AU Rampage × Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now