Chapter 2

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"Ugh. Now my notes are fish food!" I sighed, taking my book out of the fish pond. I put it into a big side pocket so it could dry, then looked back up at the school, thinking.

I actually don't know if there's a way to the roof. Well, there are those one stairs on the top floor, I guess. Then there's the fact about all the students. They might see me. But they wouldn't bother stopping me, anyway. Still, I don't wanna be seen by someone. I know! I'll do it this weekend! That way, I'll only have to worry about the teachers, and they should be at home at dark.

It was settled. I would do it at dark on Sunday.

With that, I started on my way home.

Time skip brought to you by a little Izuku hug

(Ok so this part is different, as for the time and day. It's Saturday night. The night he would do it)

I snuck under a bridge so I wouldn't be seen. I heard a noise behind me, but before I could react, my mouth was covered. I gasped. Bad idea. The sludge like thing got sucked into my mouth, choking me. I struggled against the thing. "You will make a fine meat body!" A voice boomed. My surroundings were becoming fuzzy, and I could feel myself weakening. I let my hands fall. The last thing I remember is a booming voice yelling, "DETROIT SMASH!!!!" I blacked out.

I woke up to All Might slapping me. "Ah good," He said. "You're awake." "A-All Might?!?!" I jumped. He nodded. "Now, I must be off. You should head home, young man. It's dangerous, as you can tell." He went to jump away.
(I donno why but the image of All Might bouncing away like a bunny popped into my head and I love it) "Wait!" I called. "I have to ask you something!" This is my last chance. If I can get a yes on this, things will change. Without thinking, I grabbed onto his leg as he took off.

I screamed. He looked down at me. "Hey, kid! Let go!" "No way!" I yelled. "If I do I'll die!" That actually doesn't sound half bad right now. He looked embarrassed. "Oh right." He landed on a nearby rooftop. I fell to my knees. "My life just flashed before my eyes," I muttered. "That was very risky, young man," All Might scolded. "Knock on the door and someone will come and get you." "Wait All Mi-" a big puff of smoke came off him, replacing him with a stick figure.

My idol had just deflated.

"I-IMPOSTER!!!" I screamed. 'All Might' panicked. "No, kid! Its me! This is just my true form." I calmed down.

Time skip to after All Might explain

"O-oh," I sighed. "Yep. Pretty bad, huh?" He sighed, too. "Well, while we're here, what did you want to ask me?"

I looked over to him. "I-I'm quirkless. Can I still be a hero?" He looked shocked. "Sorry kid. No, you can't. It's too risky. You could become a cop or detective. They are also heroes. Just not pros." He got up and walked to the door. "I'll keep the door open. Just come down once you're done doing whatever." And with that, he was gone.

His words echoed in my head.

No, you can't.

Tears strolled down my cheeks. For some reason, though, there was a smile on my face. I stepped to the edge of the roof. The building was at least 30 stories high. Perfect. I felt in my pocket, and sure enough, it was there. I pulled out the paper and read it over.

Dear whoever it may concern,
It was worth it. I'm quirkless, anyway. Tell my mother I love her, and that I'm sorry. Tell my class that they did this. They never told me to. Only one person did. Katsuki Bakugo. You killed me. I took a swan dive off a roof, just like you told me to. I hope your proud of me.

-Izuku Midoriya

I placed the note back in my jacket pocket, and stepped over the railing. Looking down on the city, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and jumped.

My stomach rose to my head as I fell. I held my stomach, ready for impact.

But none came.

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