Chapter 15

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"I think it's time you killed for the first time."

I stood with shock at the words Shigy had just told me. Kill......? "W-What?" I heard myself stutter out.

"You heard me. With what you did to that 'Bakugo' guy, you should be up to the task." A smile spread across my lips. I don't know what it looked like, but I saw him slightly falter in his seat. "I would be glad," I sneered. He had his costume on, and he handed me a black bandana. "Use this to cover your face and maybe your hair if you want." I took the bandana. "There's this cop guy that's been almost able to catch our trail. He got up to the door last night. I need you to 'take care of him' tonight." I nodded and went to change out of my uniform.

Could I be any happier to kill someone?..... No I couldn't.

Time skip brought to you by Deku calling Bakugo 'Thotsuki Bakuhoe '

It was time.

I was hanging from a window above the door where I couldn't be seen. I've been waiting for a while when he finally showed up. He had a police uniform on but with no cap, and short black hair that didn't go near his ears. He approached the door and knocked on it.

Bad idea, punk.

I pounced on his back. He grunted as he hit the ground and reached for his walky-talky. I yanked it from his hands and tossed (yeeted) it to the wall. It hit the wall with a loud crack and shattered.

"Don't try to call for help," I sneered on accident, but whatever. He turned to look at me. His eyes were pitch black. I suddenly wanted to back down. His quirk. I slammed his head back to the ground, facing it, and the feeling immediately left. He has to be able to see me to activate it, huh? I got my knife out and stabbed him in the middle of his chest. He groaned and struggled to get free. I had him pinned to he couldn't move his hands or legs.

I yanked the knife out fast and he groaned even louder. (Kinky~) I instead stabbed higher and closer to his neck. He coughed up some blood. I pulled the knife out again and held it to the front of his neck, covering his mouth with my other hand, using my legs to hold his arms down. "Don't try to resist."

I sliced his neck.

I heard him scream under my hand. I put my knife to his head. Smiling mercilessly, I shot it through his head. It slumped and he went still. I got off of him. My job is done. Pulling the knife out of his head and wiping the leftover brains off of it, I opened the door.

Kurogiri was cleaning a glass and Crusty was sitting on one of the stools infront of him. They both turned to me. I was covered in blood and had a small amount of brains on my shirt. Mist looked almost frightened while No-Chapstick sat up. "I can see it was a success," he said. I nodded, taking off my mask. "Tell me, how did it go? Did you like it? How did it feel?" He approached me. I retold the story, getting slowly undressed as Kurogiri went to fetch me some PJs.

"Yes, I liked it. And it felt......" I tried to find the right word as I slipped on my PJ shirt. "Like I was a real villain." "Well, it was a good practice run, but he seemed easy. Pro hero's will be much harder. You need to keep practicing," Shigy added the last part smugly. "So... I need to keep killing people?" I questioned teasingly. He nodded.

"Once a week for now, then we'll add more kills as you get stronger," Kurogiri noted, warming us up some chocolate milk to celebrate. I nodded and reached up for some cups. I couldn't reach, for they are on the top shelf on a high cabinet. "Fuck my short legs," I cursed as I started jumping to grab them. "To hell with it." I climbed on the counter, keeping my feet off of it, and grabbed some cups. The guys chuckled as I got down, almost falling off.

"What, will you need us to help you get higher stuff if or when you move out?" Shigy teased. I flipped him off as Kurogiri turned off the cooker. "Shut up, handyman."

And that's how my night went. Me and Shigaraki tossed insults at each other while Kurogiri tried to get us to stop. Still, we all drank our hot coco and enjoyed it non the less.

Being a villain isn't so bad after all.

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