Hayden North

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The rain started heavy. The droplets of rain gusted and sprayed onto windows. There's a broad fog trailing through the sky. The puddles splattered about when people walked on them. I kept my umbrella steady. I avoided any puddles.

At dismissal, I changed and took off my sneakers for rain boots. Spring is a lot more rain than sunshine. I was hoping that the rain would hold up until I got inside the building. I'm making my way to work. The other day I had counseling. Talking to a stranger out loud is hard. There were so many questions and personal ones too.

My therapist is a man called Mr. Lewd.  He didn't laugh when I mocked his name. The name was funny at the time. I sat down and felt like my body was strapped to the chair. My heartbeat ticking to the clock and my hands move constantly.

To be honest, every moment was bad. The chart he filled out, which was longer than it seemed, is mailed to my parents. They will get the results of the evaluation first before I do.

Considering I am the one living in this body, with this mental state, it is unfair. when I should be thinking about my job, Liam is running through my head. If only he never pulled away, what would've happened?

A kiss, maybe, I would ruin it. He would be disgusted. The way his rough hand lingered on my chest near my beating heart. It felt like I was lovestruck and hit with an arrow from cupid. His gorgeous grin whenever I smiled made me blush. I can't stand the feelings that rise higher than before.

My stomach quakes and riddles with millions of butterflies to his touch that I would yes to anything he says. That's what is dangerous about me liking him. I'm so used to telling him all my problems that I would confess my feelings and wouldn't even know it.

On the other hand, I'm ready to take on those assholes at my job. I need to prove to my parents that even if they forced me into this job, I made the best of it.

I'm doing this for them instead of myself. They treated me like I was nothing. That being a woman was something to be ashamed of. I'll show them who's boss. Failing to realize, my feet were stomping the puddles. I groaned in frustration and swung my umbrella down from above me.

It closed shut as I reached the building. My rain boots dragged on the mat before the door to dry my feet. Those guys would laugh to see me slip and fall on the floor.

The beanie I wore earlier had to come off when they got the slightest touch of water it soaked through. The hair that I hate so much is on full display, the chopped ends for my irrational behavior.

The door opens and closes. For the first time, I don't hear anyone. I walk to the hangers while pulling off my raincoat. My boss stands near me once I turn to look at him. I guess he heard me come through the front door.

"Hey, you and I need to have a chat." He ushered me to his office. I sit down in a rustic wheeling chair. He sits beside me. The office is cramped and smells like dirty socks. There is a ceiling fan above my head with hanging air fresheners you use in a car. God knows how long that has been there. It isn't helping the smell.

"I heard from the guys the last time you clocked in that you got in a tangle with them," he starts.

"You call that a tangle?" I quip at him.

He pushes himself back on the chair as it squeaks. "Well, yes, I do, Ms. North. They do give the new customers a hard time. The reason is likely because they have the incompetence to see past their ass," My boss shunned them. I still felt like I was on the losing side. Hearing him speak about them in that way wasn't satisfying me.

"I find it funny that you hired them in the first place," I say back. My boss tips his cap on his head up to wipe his head.

"You may find it funny, but those guys have worked with me for years. When they first came here, they were like you. I was able to dance like footloose in those days." There are no windows in here for me to distract myself from his pointless talking.

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