King Aris's pov

The king noticed a change come over his kingdom over the next couple of days. There was an increased amount of rumors. Rumors of war. His most trusted travelers have come back with news of small battles here and there and merchants have told him of the increased demand for weapons, large and small. The real threat seemed to come from three kingdoms.

That of "Latches Hold", which lies south and to the west of the meadow. Behind a great mountain range, known as the Black Dragon Mountains. Latches is home to some of the cruelest and unusual people known. It is also where Rovax is said to be from. Their whole economy is built on mind magic.

The second kingdom is known as "Jerlin's Hold", which lies just northwest and across a small portion of "The Great Water". They specialize in trickery and foul magic. They were once just a small trader's settlement that got by, by selling lies and tricks to build itself into an armory-filled kingdom, suitable for thugs and outcasts. They were presented with a king and called themselves a kingdom.

The last kingdom is known as Krestsights Palace which is positioned exactly east of the Meadow. Krestsights's economy is built on illusion. They too were small a colonization. Poor and eager, they did what they felt they must build up their status. Now they are a blooming kingdom who continue in their dirty work and foul play to get what they desire. So, naturally, these kingdoms do not make the ally list, none of them could really take on the meadow alone, but together? That was another story. Nevertheless, lookouts were doubled, and the guards were training, sharpening their skills in the art of earth and blade.

After Josephine had told him of the meeting, she had held with the strangers all those weeks ago, he had told everyone to be on the lookout for any odd activity. This included his daughters. Though Josephine naturally knew to always keep up her gaud, so did Rose. Out of all his children, she was the fieriest and fiercest. He knew she was not stupid. She knew how to defend herself, but still. She was only a child, and not much could, or should for that matter be disclosed to her. But she was so mature, just as Josephine was. She knew of things the king wished he could have protected her from. Maybe that was his mistake, for not doing more.

Rose had blossomed more than anyone when it came to receiving her gifts. Her healing abilities surpassed the head nurses and her life form development surpassed even her mother's. She had such an unusual head on her shoulders and it always bothered the king, especially recently. She is always caught in her own world, doing her own thing. She hasn't even been down to dinner in the last couple of days, but her meals are always eaten. She has not been doing her schoolwork but when the time does for her examinations, she passed with flying colors. She never spoke much to the king. She was a mother's child. The queen's death brought such a reaction upon her, but as always, she never talks about it. She never spoke of her pain and when she was asked about her mental state she smiled and laughed "isn't this a part of living? Having certain parts of you die?" Such a mature child. So, lost in the life of royalty.

But this wasn't the only thing bothering Aris tonight. Josephine's news of the children brought real fear to his heart. Not only was his kingdom full of children, but many people moved in and out of his territory lines with free will daily. He was not a wicked controller, and he believed in the good of differences. So, when people come from afar, to learn of the Meadow and what they have to offer, it came as no surprise, the number of children coming to and from. All of the children from Meadow had the gifts that the king himself held, just never in such a powerful manner, and never as much as the royal family or the guards. Enough to keep them satisfied. Enough to allow self-defense.

His worry was the kingdom is full of children. So, these mystery children could be anywhere, hidden or disguised as anyone from any region. Do they know the fate that was given to them? The burden on their shoulders. Do they know that the freedom of Tobias rests upon them?

He felt he was overthinking something simple. All he needed to do was leave fate alone but still, something in his mind told him to look a little further. To think a little harder. But he refused. It had nothing to do with his beloved kingdom. But something in his memories told him otherwise. He remembered a beautiful voice, the one he loves so dearly. Her singing. Her rocking a child with the brightest green eyes and the shiniest reddish-gold hair.

"She will save us, Aris"

It is nothing to do with the Meadow.

But still, that stubborn voice in the king's head told him otherwise.

The powers that were given to the kingdoms of Tobias were passed down from generation. Almost every in the Meadow was gifted in ways of understanding nature. The people of FireHaven were the people of fire. The folk of Raven's wing were the keepers of flight. Every one of the kingdoms had a specialty, a range of gifts that made them special, different, and powerful. Sometimes, once in a blue frosted moon, a child was born, cursed with no gifts in his or her blood. These poor souls were sent to a Safe place. A haven of sorts. Aleen Haven. Where they could live normal, non-magical lives in peace and harmony. Where they will be no disturbance for them. Where they are free.

Long ago, king Aris's fathers' father set aside rules that he felt his future generations should abide by. He felt it safer that children of the meadow only practice the gifts proscribed by the kingdom. Of course, Aris, being himself, believed in free will and freedom to choose. If his daughter were to choose to learn other magical properties, well. Who was he to say otherwise? All he could hope for was that maybe his daughters would stay close to home, hopefully, they wouldn't need to learn the ugly of the world, or come too familiar with the sinister plots of the more menacing people of Tobias. 

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