11, Just a girl

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I'm assuming you know Winter Soldier and Civil war so I won't write about it a lot. One thing is Civil War happens kinda but a  different ending. The avengers are still together. And Loki is in this too, he is an avenger kinda. This chapter is short cuz i want to get right to certain things. 

No perspective 

The Avengers had been handling HYDRA ever since Bucky arrived, tracking down different bases and consulting with former members. They hadn't been very successful. After Bucky left for the mission he didn't come back, the Avengers had saved him. Ever since Bucky joined the Avengers, the media has gone crazy. Complaining that he is a danger to society and that they should put him in jail. Luckily Steve was there to help him. Steve had known Bucky his whole life, they were best friends. After rescuing Bucky from HYDRA's grasp, Bucky's memory slowly reset and he remembered his past life. Almost all of it. He remembers his days in that prison, all except a specific person. A girl. He remembers her voice and nothing else. No memories or anything, and just barely does he remember her. Somedays he doesn't, other it's picking away at his brain trying to remember. 

Fast-forward to the present day. 

Steve rushes to tell the rest of the Avengers the news. He was in his room on the campus when he was watching the news. Hearing about an explosion that destroyed an old "factory" just south of Russia. He knew what it really was. After telling them they got themselves ready to go see if he was right.

"Bucky, you don't have to come you know. The media won't be there but I know he brings back a dark place in your mind." - Steve said as they were getting ready to board the wing jet.

"N-no I should go, I need to face it after so long. It's fine Steve don't worry." -Bucky said while staring at his feet with his head falling low.

"It's okay to be upset, or angry in general. You gotta let it out sometimes, just in different ways."

"Thanks, punk."

"No worries, Jerk." 

Steve, Bucky, Nat, Sam and Wanda decide to be the ones to go, being as their Cap's quartet.  The wind jet flies low to the ground blowing snow all around the surface. It's a brisk spring morning but it still felt cold. Not much was left of the base, they quickly figured out that it was in fact a HYDRA base. 

"This has to be recent stuff, this type of broken tech. This base must be new." - Natasha said while kicking things around looking for evidence.

Finding and taking with them what little evidence they could find. The base wasn't blown to bits but it had snowed before they came, making it extra difficult to find anything.

"I'll fly up to see if I can find any survivors." - Wanda exclaimed.

A few minutes pass and no word from Wanda.

"GUYS, guys help down here by the stream." - Wanda shouted

They all raced down to where Wanda was holding a girl in her arms, she looked only about 20. She was wearing joggers and a sweatshirt, her hair was a dirty blonde and she looked dead. Wanda had told them she felt a pulse and could hear her thoughts. She wasn't dead but she was on the verge of death. She was as cold as an icicle with her lips turning purple. It was Sky

INT- The Avengers Campus- 

Sky has been unconscious for 4 days, resting in the hospital. Steve had called all the Avengers in for a meeting. Bruce stood up to speak about her test results.

"If the tests are correct, she is a 20-year-old female. By the name Sky Monarch. Her parents died and she was left in the care of HYRDA. Supposedly they had taken her to run some "safe" tests and experiments and then safely return her to her parents. When her parents mysteriously went missing, they kept her. We found traces of the super-soldier serum in her bloodstream. Now here's where it gets weird, she never went on any missions. And she somehow survived being in the cold, not eating for 1 week. Asleep. Once we tried to venture deeper into her system, our monitors crashed. She has something in her that prevents us from running tests or waking her up."- Bruce said reading off the electric board.

"English please Hulk." - Said Thor, the god of thunder or something IDK.

"Not hulk, Bruce. Well in easier language, she must have some type of power. That prevents us from doing certain things." 

" We've been trying to collect footage from HYRDA's cameras but the harddrive is taking a while to defrost." - said Tony, millionaire, playboy.... you know the rest.

"I sense something in her, deeper than anything I know. I can feel the energy, almost like a strong power in her veins. When she sleeps, her veins pulse with a light purple colour. I can't get into her mind either." - Wanda quietly states while sitting in the corner.  

"So no one knows who this chick is?"- says Sam

"If she is 20, I must have seen her at HYDRA. But I-I can't remember. Sorry I have to go-." _ said Bucky while running off.

"He's right you know, she had to be there at the same time. But he wouldn't know her mission. Maybe if he looked at her face more clearly it wou-." - said Bruce

"Let him relax." - said Steve sternly.

Finally a Bucky POV 

Why did I not remember a girl at HYDRA, I only ever saw other men. It was bothering me how I could not remember anything. I could really help the avengers because I know HYDRA, I was at that same base before. Yet this was filling my brain's capacity, this strange girl who I have no memory of. I had to refocus on helping the avengers though if we could get the footage we could truly know who this girl is. Thus, potentially leading us to find more bases, and end HYDRA forever. It shouldn't matter, I shouldn't be focusing all my attention on the simple fact that she was at HYDRA at the same time as me. If I did not remember her she clearly played no part in my life, important enough for me to remember. 

She was just another subject, a doll.

So I paid her no mind. I would like to see what she looks like though.

But again she is just a girl.

Sorry for the short chapter, I cant wait for more juicy things.

Steel Blue Eyes / Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now