8, Lilac Storm

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HI I decided to change her " name " that's associated with the power infinity stone to Lilac Strom idk don't ask but cuz u know it's purple but bye;)

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The pull-raved on. I felt I was getting closer to whatever it was. A while back I had already passed my small cabin, I knew now that I was miles inside this forest. As I went farther into the forest, trees grew thicker and the moonlight got dimmer. If I did not find where I was going soon, I will be lost in this forest until light returns. I had to hurry because I only had 6 hours left until HYDRA arrived. 

A few steps further and in the distance I could hear a stream. Once I came to this stream, although it was dark the moon reflected beautifully across the rushing water. This brought serenity to my world, in this town full of darkness and no soul. This stream brought the opposite. The small fish jumped every once in a while as the water flourished on. The algae that grew tall looked like hair flowing against the current, with a green fluorescent tint. The silver rocks had slivers of moss. How minature waterfalls formed over small parts of the stream. It all collided and worked perfectly, that was one of those moments of luxury in my life.

After passing the stream, I saw in the distance a small cave. Huge rocks built of covered by moss. I immediately felt attracted to this mysterious cave. As I got closer, I saw a subtle gleam of purple deep inside the opening of the cave. I knew that could only be one thing. My pace quickened. 

Once I reached the cave, a spider's web made of vines covered the entrance like a door.  Flowers grew all around the circle shape of the cave, it was a good view. The smell smelled fresh, my nostrils became clear once again. No longer suffering from the old smell of the town. The sound of the stream cleaned my ears from the screams that tormented my dreams. My eyes, no longer seeing pain, death and destruction. Now saw opportunity, dreams, peace, comfort and life. At this moment I was the doe, I was running free over a stream. Flying through the air, alone, free from chains.

I placed my hand against the soft vines to reveal the depth of this cave. It was much deeper from here rather than the bird's high view. To the right of the inside of the cave, there was a separate part of the stream that was outside. To the left were more rocks, in between, there was an opening where there was once again the purple glow. In my gut, I knew this might not be the best idea, but I was following my heart on this one. 

I carefully stepped over the smooth rocks, careful not to slip. It smelled fresh like freshly pour water. The moon peeked through little cracks and enlightened the dark cave, what I would do to see this cave during the daylight. 

I followed the purple glow around the corner. There in the center of the deep cave laid the box. The same box that was home to the pure glow. It was seated upon a wooden bench. Around it rocks lined the wall covered in vines, growing flowers and moss. This time I heard no voices, felt nothing and sensed nothing. I was at peace with where I was right now. Did I want to touch the box, restart over again? 

My life will return to normal if I don't though. I will go back to HYDRA with or without the stone and be forced to live with the torture of knowing I could have stopped what they will do or die. I know my mind will never be as tranquil as it is at this moment. My mind lay easy, the storm has passed. The sunset sky paints with orange, pink and purple. Clouds float gently as the only movement is the ripple of the ocean caused by a light wind. Did I want to disrupt such peace? 

I couldn't think any longer. They would be here soon, I had no way of telling time where I was. I had to act fast.

I stepped closer to the box, the noise of my footsteps echoing across the bare walls. I take a seat on the fragile bench, careful not to break it. I take a deep breath, like a long-ass breathe cause I've started to shake. Should I be shaking? 

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