2, Her.

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Hi again < Firstly um, spelling isn't my strong suit but I love this so live laugh love right?

Sky's pov

That needle that the bitch gave
me last night is making it extremely hard to get up today, and she knows it too. Her name is Prof. Tris, what a bad name. Ah, speak of the devil Prof. Tris is coming my way and this early too. I can already tell today is going to suck.

"You're training was cancelled today, not you're testing"

"If I ask will you tell me why"

"Smarten up, and no *she smirks, the training area is being set up for someone special"

Someone special? I thought who could possibly be special in a place like this. My cell was different than the others, it had no windows and a single small tv that never turned on. The others got windows and features, while I got shit. I hated it which, is why a part of me loves training. The training area has big wide windows that stretch over mountain tops. It's the only ounce of freedom I get. The small luxury of seeing that there might be a possibility that this world is still alive, and every once in a while I can spot a doe running across a stream. It's free and embodies everything I'm not. It's the life I dream of.

"Hey! focus, you do not leave this cell until alerted. Understand?"


I can suddenly feel nails digging into my wrists, drops of blood splash against the old wood floors.

"Loose the attitude or you're vocal cords"

"Ow, fine."

I can see the top of her black tight bun strut out of my cell. I'm not staying in the cell mark my words bitch.

Bucky's POV

Another day, a new life. Sometimes I think myself lucky that the extractions are only once a week, but why would I ever consider myself lucky in a life like this. I'm a rag doll in their orchestra, I'm forever stuck under a visage that is a killer. My only freedom is those missions, where I can see new worlds. That is until I have to complete the actual mission, half the time I'm under the command and don't know what I'm doing. I'm strong, my brain is too sometimes, and just barely will I regain conscience and look at my surroundings and breath.

"Winter Soldier, we've set up the training area for your purpose only *SLAP across the face, this is a gift, do. not. waste it understood?"

" Yes I understand"

"Training will commence in 3 hours, you will stay in your cell until then"

- 1 hour later-

My brain is picking at me. The only things I vaguely remember are a man, little emotions and feelings and the places I've been. But there's one more thing, I can't picture it at all, whether is a person or a place nothing comes to my mind and I've been digging and digging for the past hour. I need to know, I won't survive until I do.

A man enters my room. I don't know him. Until words splurge out of his repulsive mouth, I know what's coming.

"Stop, I don't have training for 2 hours"

"Change of plans, we're running tests on a new subject and they want you in the ring with her."

"Her? But wait what is going on."

"Enough follow me."

Sky's POV

There is absolutely no way I'm staying where I am. I'm stubborn always have been. I sometimes question how I've managed to stay so calm and unbothered in a place like this. I just have found no reason to care anymore, what's the point. I don't have anything or anyone to care about except myself. I hear footsteps, I guess I am staying put.

Steel Blue Eyes / Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now